Archív –
ELKELT ASUS X-99-E WS Motherboard
80 000 Ft
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Archivált hirdetés
Most vettem ki a gépből, tökéletesen működik. Ipari gépben volt ASUS X-99-E WS.
Eladás oka full AMD build.
Teljes leírás:
"The Intel X99 chipset-based workstation motherboard features on-demand NVIDIA® GeForce® SLI™ and AMD CrossFireX™ technology, plus hassle-free troubleshooting features for minimized downtime. Four PCI Express 3.0 x16 slots enable extreme graphics power. The X99-E WS can carry up to four dual-slot graphics. It supports 4-Way NVIDIA® Geforce® SLI™ and AMD CrossFireX™ x 16 Link, making it an excellent choice for graphics professionals who depend on powerful graphics in areas such as design and modeling, medical research, plus processing-intensive simulation and rendering applications. In addition to graphics cards, extensive X99-E WS expandability offers ample room for RAID cards, PCI Express-based solid state storage drives, video capture cards, and other components."
Átlag ára használtan (ebay) 420 USD
Csak személyes átvétel, Budapest-Veszprém
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Cég: Axon Labs Kft.
Város: Budapest
Város: Budapest