Archív –
Steam napi/heti/Autumn Sale, BraveNW 1500,Batman 3000, SR4 3e,Blacklist 2e, Payday2 2200, egyebek
1 000 Ft
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Szándék: | kínál |
Archivált hirdetés
Oszi szel: frissulget a kommentekben, az utolso 2-3 komment aktualis
Napi/Heti Deal - amig tart az akcio a steamen
- hianyolsz valami preordert, vagy nemreg megjelent jatekot? priviben megkerdezheted, ide sajnos nem fer ki minden
- frissites legutolso kommentben - ha hianyolsz valami napi akciot, privi
- az elozo par napi akciobol is lehet hogy még maradt, erdeklodni lehet
- barmi mas kellene, erdeklodhetsz vagy kerhetsz teljes listat privatban
Par egyeb jatek (giftek) - folytatasa az #57-ben:
Assetto Corsa 4800
Castlevania, akciojatek 2400
How to survive, tulelo akcio-rpg 1400
Magic 2014, multiplayer kartya 1200 - utolso
Metro Last Light, fps 2200
Metro Last Light: Chronicles Pack DLC, 900
Outlast, akciojatek 1300 - ha ismet akcioban lesz (dec3)
Payday 2, multiplayer fps 2200
Resident Evil 5, akciojatek 700
Shadow Warrior, fps 2800
The Walking Dead Season 2 3500
AC4 (uplay, special edition, de jo esellyel deluxe aktivalodik) 5300
Batman: Arkham Origins 3000
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 800
Dirt 3 800
Hitman Absolution 1000
Saints Row 4 3000
Sleeping Dogs 800
Sniper Elite V2 800
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Deluxe uplay 2000
Thief +1 ajandek jatek (deus ex, dirt3, sleeping dogs, hitman abs, sniper lite v2) 4500
Tomb Raider 1600
...tobb nem fer ide, kerdezz :)
maross további hirdetései
16 000 FtXVIII. kerület
Új hozzászólás
Ami maradt a tegnapi dealekbol:
Age of Empires 2 HD, strategia, 1100
Age of Empires 2 HD + The Forgotten Expansion, strategia 1500
Age of Empires Legacy Bundle, 2400
Dark 2000
Europa Universalis 4 Extreme Edition , strategia 4000
Shadow Warrior 2013, fps 1500
Tomb Raider 2013 - DLC Collection 900 -
Test Drive 2 Unlimited 1000ft
kis kiegeszites:
Age of Empires 2 HD + The Forgotten Expansion, 1600
Age of Empires Legacy Bundle, 2400 -
Age of Empires 2 HD, strategia 1100
Age of Empires 2 HD - 4pack, strategia 3200
Brutal Legend, akciojatek 300
Europa Universalis 4 Extreme Edition , strategia 4000
Shadow Warrior 2013, fps 1500
Tomb Raider 2013 dlc pack 1000
Tomb Raider Collection, akciojatekok 2700 -
hetfo napkozben - kb 5 van koztuk, ami perpill kifogyott, es nem akcios. Ezek varhatoan holnap estetol ujra akcioba lepnek (haha).
Anomaly Korea, 500
Anomaly Ultimate Pack, 1600
Borderlands 2, multiplayer-fps 2000
Borderlands 2 Season Pass, 3000
Borderlands 2 GOTY, multiplayer-fps 4500
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons, kalandjatek 1500
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, akciojatek 1400
Chivalry, akciojatek 1100
Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior 2100
Chivalry: Complete Pack, akciojatek 2600
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, strategia 1000
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, strategia 700
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (Tiberium Wars szukseges hozza!), strategia 500
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars + Kane's Wrath 1100
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight, strategia 1000
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising, strategia 300 (barmelyik masik c and c-vel egyutt +200)
Contagion, multiplayer akciojatek 800
Crysis Maximum Edition, fps 1100
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, fps 700
Dead Island GOTY, fps 900
Dead Island Riptide, fps 1400
Dead Island Franchise Pack, fps 2200
Dead Space 2, horror-akciojatek 900
Dishonored GOTY, akciojatek 3000
Euro Truck Simulator 2, kamion szim, 1000
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Gold, kamion szim 1500
Far Cry 3 Normal/Deluxe, akciojatek 2000/2800
Forced, co-op akciojatek 1500
Gimbal, multiplayer-lovoldozos 500
Heroes 6: Complete Edition korokre osztott strategia 2200
How to Surive, rpg-akciojatek 1400
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North - Valhalla Edition, korokre osztott fantasy-rpg 800
Max Payne, akciojatek 500
Max Payne 2, akciojatek 500
Max Payne + Max Payne 2 800
Max Payne 3 + Rockstar Pass, akciojatek 1600
Max Payne 3: Rockstar Pass (season pass), 700
Midnight Mysteries Collection, hidden object jatekok 1500
Natural Selection 2, multiplayer-fps 600
Rome 2, strategia 4800
Rome 2- Greek States Culture Pack 900
Sanctum 2, towerdefense-fps, 600
Serious Sam Complete 1400
Shadow Warrior 2013, fps 2800
Shelter, kalandjatek 400
Sleeping Dogs, akciojatek 800
State of Decay, rpg-akciojatek 2000
Takedown: Red Sabre, multiplayer taktikai-fps 1200
The Bard's Tale, kaland-akciojatek 400
Ticket to Ride + Usa 1910 DLC, tarsasjatek 500
Test Drive - Ferrari Racing Legends, autoverseny 900
The Heroes Pack, akcio+strategia 1700
Trials Evolution: Gold Edition, verseny 1100
Van Helsing: Complete Pack, hack&slash 1500 -
Civilization V: Gold Edition, strategia 2300
Civilization V: Brave New World (DLC), strategia 1500
FEZ, platformjatek 500
Godus, istenszimulator 2000
Metro Last Light, fps 2200
Metro Last Light Season Pass 1200
Payday 2, multiplayer fps 2000
The Wolf Among Us, 3000 -
Vasarnapi jelentes:
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, horror-kaland 1900
Anomaly Ultimate Pack, 1600
Borderlands 2, multiplayer-fps 2000
Borderlands 2 Season Pass, 3000
Borderlands 2 GOTY, multiplayer-fps 4500
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons, kalandjatek 1500
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, akciojatek 1400
Chivalry, akciojatek 1100
Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior 2100
Chivalry: Complete Pack, akciojatek 2600
Civilization V: Brave New World (DLC), strategia 1900
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, strategia 1000
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, strategia 700
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (Tiberium Wars szukseges hozza!), strategia 500
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars + Kane's Wrath 1100
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight, strategia 1000
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising, strategia 300 (barmelyik masik c&c-vel egyutt +200)
Contagion, multiplayer akciojatek 800
Crysis Maximum Edition, fps 1100
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, fps 700
Crysis Collection, fps 1600
Dead Island GOTY, fps 900
Dead Island Riptide, fps 1400
Dead Island Franchise Pack, fps 2200
Dead Space 2, horror-akciojatek 900
Dishonored GOTY, akciojatek 3000
Euro Truck Simulator 2, kamion szim, 1000
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Gold, kamion szim 1500
Forced, co-op akciojatek 1500
Gimbal, multiplayer-lovoldozos 500
Heroes 6: Complete Edition korokre osztott strategia 2200 - elfogyott, remelem lesz még
How to Surive, rpg-akciojatek 1400
Max Payne, akciojatek 500
Max Payne 2, akciojatek 500
Max Payne + Max Payne 2 800
Max Payne 3 + Rockstar Pass, akciojatek 1600
Max Payne 3: Rockstar Pass (season pass), 700
Natural Selection 2, multiplayer-fps 600
Payday 2, multiplayer fps 2200
Rome 2, strategia 4800
Rome 2- Greek States Culture Pack 900
Sanctum 2, towerdefense-fps, 600
Serious Sam Complete 1400
Shadow Warrior 2013, fps 2800
Sleeping Dogs, akciojatek 800
State of Decay, rpg-akciojatek 2000
The Heroes Pack, akcio+strategia 1700
Trials Evolution: Gold Edition, verseny 1100
Van Helsing: Complete Pack, hack&slash 1500 - elfogyott, elvileg lesz még
X-Com: Enemy Unknown + X-Com: Complete Pack, taktikai lovoldozos 2800 -
elvileg elnek, megeshet 1-2 mar nem (ami nincs napi akcioban, elvileg van raktaron)
Anomaly Ultimate Pack, 1600
Borderlands 2, multiplayer-fps 2000
Borderlands 2 Season Pass, 3000
Borderlands 2 GOTY, multiplayer-fps 4500
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons, kalandjatek 1500
Civilization V: Brave New World (DLC), strategia 1900
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, strategia 1000
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, strategia 700
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (Tiberium Wars szukseges hozza!), strategia 500
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars + Kane's Wrath 1100
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight, strategia 1000
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising, strategia 300 (barmelyik masik c&c-vel egyutt +200)
Contagion, multiplayer akciojatek 800
Crysis Maximum Edition, fps 1100
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, fps 700
Crysis Collection, fps 1600
Dead Island GOTY, fps 900
Dead Island Riptide, fps 1400
Dead Island Franchise Pack, fps 2200
Dead Space 2, horror-akciojatek 900
Dishonored GOTY, akciojatek 3000
Euro Truck Simulator 2, kamion szim, 1000
Euro Truck Simulator 2 Gold, kamion szim 1500
Forced, co-op akciojatek 1500
Gimbal, multiplayer-lovoldozos 500
Heroes 6: Complete Edition korokre osztott strategia 2200
How to Surive, rpg-akciojatek 1400
Max Payne, akciojtaek 600
Max Payne 2, akciojatek 600
Max Payne + Max Payne 2 1000
Max Payne 3 + Rockstar Pass, akciojatek 1800
Max Payne 3: Rockstar Pass (season pass), 800
Natural Selection 2, multiplayer-fps 600
Payday 2, multiplayer fps 2200
Rome 2, strategia 4800
Rome 2- Greek States Culture Pack 900
Sanctum 2, towerdefense-fps, 600
Serious Sam Complete 1400
Shadow Warrior 2013, fps 2800
Sleeping Dogs, akciojatek 800
State of Decay, rpg-akciojatek 2000
The Heroes Pack, akcio+strategia 1700
Trials Evolution: Gold Edition, verseny 1100
Van Helsing: Complete Pack, hack&slash 1500
X-Com: Enemy Unknown + X-Com: Complete Pack, taktikai lovoldozos 2800 -
euro truck simulator 2 gold 1500
cso - nincs -
Batman 3000
Dishonored 2000
Dishonored goty 3000 -
csgot vegyetek meg storebol, annyira olcso
contagion 800
euro truck simulator 1000
hianyolsz valamit: privihalf lifeot szulinapozas miatt lekestem, orange box es half life complete majd akkor ha lesz napi dealben.
Sajna ejfelig nem vagyok itthon, igy a frissites kesik
State of decay 2000
Csgo egyelore nem tudom mennyi. -
Aktualis sale lista, kibovult jopar jatekkal. Nyomokban kulcsot tartalmazhat gift helyett, ha fontos, kerdezz nyugodtan.
Anomaly Ultimate Pack, 1600
Civilization V: Brave New World (DLC), strategia 1900
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, strategia 1000
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, strategia 700
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (Tiberium Wars szukseges hozza!), strategia 500
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight, strategia 1000
Crysis Maximum Edition, fps 1100
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, fps 700
Crysis Collection, fps 1600
Dead Island GOTY, fps 900
Dead Island Riptide, fps 1400
Dead Island Franchise Pack, fps 2200
Gimbal, multiplayer-lovoldozos 500
Heroes 6: Gold, korokre osztott strategia 1700
Heroes 6: Complete Edition korokre osztott strategia 2200
Heroes 6: Shades of Darkness DLC, 1100
How to Surive, rpg-akciojatek 1400
Natural Selection 2, multiplayer-fps 600
Outlast, akciojatek 1300
Prison Architect, szim 2400
Sanctum 2, towerdefense-fps, 600
Sleeping Dogs, akciojatek 800
State of Decay, rpg-akciojatek 2400
The Heroes Pack, 1700
The Walking Dead, kalandjatek 1200
Trials Evolution: Gold Edition, verseny 1100
Van Helsing: Complete Pack, hack&slash 1500
X-Com: Enemy Unknown + X-Com: Complete Pack, taktikai lovoldozos 2800 -
aktualis lista, egy-ket ar valtozott
Anomaly Ultimate Pack, 1600
Civilization V: Brave New World (DLC), strategia 1900
Crysis Maximum Edition, fps 1100
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, fps 700
Crysis Collection, fps 1600
Dead Island GOTY 900
Gimbal, multiplayer-lovoldozos 500
How to Surive, rpg-akciojatek 1400
Natural Selection 2, multiplayer-fps 600
Outlast, akciojatek 1300
Prison Architect, szim 2400
Sanctum 2, towerdefense-fps, 600
Sleeping Dogs, akciojatek 800
Space Hulk, korokre osztott rpg 1700
State of Decay, rpg-akciojatek 2400
The Heroes Pack, 1700
The Walking Dead, kalandjatek 1200
Trials Evolution: Gold Edition, verseny 1100
Van Helsing: Complete Pack, hack&slash 1500 -
Ismét köszönöm a boltot. Ment a piros
törölt tag
Ezeket milyen árban tudod beszerezni?
Age of Empires II: HD Edition + Forgotten DLC
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Köszi -
eddigi osszefoglalo
Civilization V: Brave New World (DLC), strategia 1900
Crysis Maximum Edition, fps 1100
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, fps 700
Crysis Collection, fps 1600 Divekick, verekedos 600
Divekick 2-Pack, verekedos 900
How to Surive, rpg-akciojatek 1400
Natural Selection 2, multiplayer-fps 600
Outlast, akciojatek 1300
Sleeping Dogs, akciojatek 800
Skyrim, rpg 1500
Skyrim Legendary Edition, rpg 3500
Space Hulk, korokre osztott rpg 1700
State of Decay, rpg-akciojatek 2500
The Walking Dead, kalandjatek 1200 -
Skyrim, rpg 1500
Skyrim Legendary Edition, rpg 3500 -
how to suivive javitva 1400 ra, outlast pedig 1300-ra.
Köszönöm a boltot! Hírneved öregbítettem.
Batman: Arkham Origins csokkentve 3200-ra
Divekick 600
Divekick 2-pack 900. -
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, fps 200
Red Orchestra2: Heroes of Stalingrad, fps 300
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 + Red Orchestra2: Heroes of Stalingrad 400 -
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, autoverseny 1000
Need for Speed: Shift, autoverseny 1000
Need for Speed: Shift 2, autoverseny 1800
Need for Speed: Underground, autoverseny 1000 -
Satan_Claus #139 üzenetére
Ok, dobok egy privit
Udv, kene nekem egy Asetto Corsa.
nfs hot pursuit 1000
arma x: anniversary edition 1700
rage kihuzva
europa universalis 4 extreme edition 3500
rage 1200 -
korlatozott darabszamban:
blacklist 2000
sr4 3000 -
ac4 ara felment 4900 rol 5300-ra.
blacklist ara lement 2500-rol 2200-ra
thief+1 ara lement 4800-rol 4500-re
hitman absolution ara lement 1200-rol 1000-re. -
Deep Black: Reloaded, akciojatek 1200
Jade Empire: Special Edition, akciojatek 1000
You Don't Know Jack Classic Pack, kvizjatek 3500
Prime World: Defenders, tower defense 1000
Rise of Venice, strategia 3600
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, hack&slash 1300
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Thaumaturge DLC, uj karakter + 2 uj map, 800ft
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Arcane Mechanic DLC, uj karakter + 2 uj map, 800ft
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Complete Pack 2100
Stronghold3 Gold, strategia 1200
Stronghold Collection, strategia 2000
Worms Collection, arkad 4000
Worms Revolution Gold, arkad 2200 -
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition 2600
payday 2: armored transport 1400
skullgirls 1900
assetto corsa csokkentve 5000-re -
Antichamber 1300
Kerbal Space Program 2500
Payday 2 - 2700
Payday 2 - az elso szemelynek aki megbont egy 4-packet: 2000*
Payday 2 4 pack - 8400
Terraria 500 -
Arak ujra csokkentve + par uj kulcs is felkerult.
Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag 5000
Splinter Cell Blacklist 2500
Ketto egyutt: 7000Thief + egy valasztott jatek (hitman absolution, sleeping dogs, deus ex, sniper elite v2, dirt3) 5000
kulcsok bovitve/rendezve
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 800
Dirt 3 800
Hitman Absolution (kulcs) 1200
Saints Row 4 (kulcs) 4000
Sleeping Dogs 800
Sniper Elite V2 800
Tomb Raider (kulcs) 1600 -
Fallout collection 1000
Defiance Standard Edition 1200
Defiance Deluxe Edition 2200 -
Anodyne, retro-rpg 300
Fable 3, akcio-rpg 1100
Fable 3 + osszes dlc, akcio-rpg 1700
Lego: Lord of the Rings, akciojatek 1200
Naval Combat Pack Complete, strategia 1300
Shelter, kalandjatek 500
Timelines: Assault on America, strategia 2200
Theatre of War 3: Korea, 600 -
Lego Lord of the Rings 1200
Assetto Corsa 5200
par kimaradt
Shadow Warrior, fps 3300
Serious Sam 3: BFE, fps 1000
Serious Sam 3 Complete 1700 -
+metro most par napig 2000ft
Anomaly 2, tower offense 1100
Anomaly Ultimate Pack, 1600
Call of juarez Gunslinger, akciojatek 1800
Far Cry 3 : Blood Dragon 1800
Call of Juarez Gunslinger + Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon 2300
Takedown: Red Sabre, multiplayer taktikai-fps 1400
Total War: Rome 2, strategia 6200
Urban Trial Freestyle, verseny 1500 -
Anomaly 2, tower offense 1100
Anomaly Ultimate Pack, 1600 -
wargame airland battle 1800
wargame franchise pack 2500 -
napi: Guacamelee gold edition 1400
senior tag
pü ment
ment a pü
gta4 complete 1500
game dev tycoon 1300
egy kis nemnapi:
Splinter Cell Blacklist Deluxe (uplay) 2500
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition, akciojatek 6000 -
halloween salenek vege, de maradt par dolog a keson ebredoknek:
Bioshock, akciojatek 700
Bioshock 2, akciojatek 700
Bioshock 1+2, akciojatekok 1200
Brothers - A tale of Two Sons, 1500
Castlevania, akciojatek 2400
Fallout 3 GOTY, rpg-akciojatek 1200
Orion: Dino Horde, multiplayer fps 600
Silent Hill: Homecoming, horror kaland-akcio, 1200
Sleeping Dogs, akciojatek 1000
The Walking Dead, kalandjatek 1200 -
Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You Can, kalandjatek 800
Bioshock, akciojatek 700
Bioshock 2, akciojatek 700
Bioshock 1+2, akciojatekok 1200
Brothers - A tale of Two Sons, 1500
Castlevania, akciojatek 2400
Dead Rising 2, horror-akciojatek 1400
Dead Rising 2 Complete Pack, horror-akciojatek 1900
Dead Space 2, horror-akciojatek 900
Fallout 3 GOTY, rpg-akciojatek 1200
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime, 400
Giana Sisters - Rise of the Overlord, platformjatek 600
Giana Sisters Bundle, platformjatek 900
Impire, strategia 1000
Interstellar Marines , akciojatek 1800
Legacy of Kain Collection, akciojatek 1000
Midnight Mysteries Collection, hidden-object jatekok 1500
Orion: Dino Horde, multiplayer fps 600
Overlord 2, akcio-strategia 500
Overlord complete Pack, akcio-startegia 1100
Shadowrun Returns, korokre osztott lovoldozos-rpg, 2300
Silent Hill: Homecoming, horror kaland-akcio, 1200
Sleeping Dogs, akciojatek 1000
The Walking Dead, kalandjatek 1200
The Walking Dead: Season 2, kalandjatek 3500
Van Helsing, hack&slash 1200
Vampire the Masquare - Bloodlines, akciojatek 900 -
Castlevania 2400
Aliens: Colonial Marines 1300 -
senior tag
Cod Ghost 4 db, nem volt raktáron neki de még másnap beszerezte mindent!
Nagy köszönet és örök hála érte, mindenki nyugodtan rendeljen, én csak ajánlani tudom!
Silent hill homecoming 1200
egyeb eddig nem listazott
The Walking Dead Season 2 3500
Saints Row 4 4000
Saints Row 4 + 2 jatek (www.amd4u, arany sorbol) 6200
Splinter Cell Blacklist Digital Deluxe (uplay) 3300 -
egy hosszabb verzio. ha valaki nem talal valamit, kerdezzen.
max payne 3-at, feareket, left4deadeket nem tudok szerezni.Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You Can, kalandjatek 800
Bioshock 1+2, akciojatekok 1200
Brothers - A tale of Two Sons, 1500
Dead Rising 2, horror-akciojatek 1400
Dead Rising 2 Complete Pack, horror-akciojatek 1900
Dead Space 2, horror-akciojatek 900
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime, 400
Giana Sisters - Rise of the Overlord, platformjatek 600
Giana Sisters Bundle, platformjatek 900
Impire, strategia 1000
Legacy of Kain Collection, akciojatek 1000
Midnight Mysteries Collection, hidden-object jatekok 1500
Overlord 2, akcio-strategia 500
Overlord complete Pack, akcio-startegia 1100
Shadowrun Returns, korokre osztott lovoldozos-rpg, 2300
Sleeping Dogs, akciojatek 1000
The Walking Dead, kalandjatek 1200
Vampire the Masquare - Bloodlines, akciojatek 900 -
Bioshock 1+2, akciojatekok 1200
Dead Rising 2, horror-akciojatek 1400
Dead Rising 2 Complete Pack, horror-akciojatek 1900
Dead Space 2, horror-akciojatek 900
Giana Sisters Twisted Bundle, platformjatek 900
Legacy of Kain Collection, akciojatek 1000>br> Shadowrun Returns, korokre osztott lovoldozos-rpg, 2300
Sleeping Dogs, akciojatek 1000
The Walking Dead, kalandjatek 1200
Vampire the Masquare - Bloodlines, akciojatek 900 -
far cry 3 elfogyott.
Csak most hetfon: Far Cry 3 + Lost Expeditions DLC (UPLAY), tobb darab van belole, de még ma be kell aktivalni. Ha kell, dobj egy privit. 1000ft.
metro last light 2200, akcio erejeig. utana visszaall 2800-ra.
narutot elirtam, 5300.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst, verekedos 4300
sr3 full package 1200
Saints Row 4 5000
Mount & Blade Collection 1700
Fantasy wars, strategia 300
Monaco, taktikai jatek 1000
Risen 2 Gold Edition, rpg 1200
Risen Collection, rpg 1700
Sanctum 2, towerdefense-fps, 800
Sanctum 2 4pack, towerdefense-fps, 2400
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2, 1100
Spellforce Platinum, strategia 600
Spellforce Complete, strategia 1900
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav, kalandjatek 1000 -
dead island GOTY 1000
dead island riptide 1900 -
Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe 1400
Mass Effect 1 + Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe 1900 -
Mass Effect 2 1000
Mass Effect 2 (ORIGIN) 300
Sir, You Are Being Hunted 1900 -
sniper ghost warrior 2 1100
gone home 1800 -
strike suit zero 1100
deadpool 3500
csendes tag
Ment PÜ!
L -
javitasa az elozonek, ofkoz goty verzio ertendo mindketton:
Batman AA GOTY 1000
Batman AC GOTY 1200
Egyutt: 2000 -
Fallen Enchantress, strategia 1200
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes, strategia 1500 -
MotoGP 13, motorverseny 2700
Batman AA 1000
Batman AC 1200
Egyutt: 2000 -
Goodbye Deponia elovasarloi (ajandek chaos on deponiat tartalmaz) 2200
Metro Last Light: Chronicles Pack DLC, 900 -
scribblenauts unlimited: 1000
Ace Combat Assault 1200
Terraria 4pack 1500 -
Dust: An Elysian Tail 1000
Terraria 500 -
dead rising 2 complete 1500
devil may cry 3 + devil may cry 4 1200ft
resident evil 6 1600
resident evil 6 complete 2000 -
sniper elite v2 1200
resident evil 5 900
Devil May Cry 1900 -
Dead Rising 2/Complete, akciojatek 1800/2600
Resident Evil 6/Complete, akciojatek 3000/3800 -
Crysis Maximum Edition, fps 1100
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, fps 700
Crysis Collection, fps 1700 -
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder, akciojatek 700
Divinity: Dragon Commander/Imperial Edition 2500/3000
StarDrive, 1600
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition, verekedos 1100
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition complete Pack, verekedos 2000 -
ac3 2200
ac3 season pass 2000
omerta 1500 -
3dmark 1500ft
Magic 2014 — Duels of the Planeswalkers 1100
Half-Life Complete 1500
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, rpg 1000
Final Fantasy VII, rpg 1300
Mirror's Edge, akciojatek 300 (kulcs)Mas:
Alien Rage - Unlimited, akciojatek 3000
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, kaland-akcio-horror 3200
Call of Duty: Ghosts, akciojatek 7500
Shadow Warrior, fps 3900
Takedown: Red Sabre, akciojatek 2000
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Thaumaturge DLC, 800ft
X-Com: Enemy Within, korokre osztott strategia, X-Com: Enemy Unknown szukseges hozza, 4000 -
Bit Trip Runner Franchise Pack, ugyessegi 1100
Kinetic Void, szimulacio 1400
Mars: War Logs, akciojatek 1400
Reus, istenszimulator 1200
Warlock: Master of the Arcane, strategia, civilization-klon 400 (kulcs) -
dead island 1000ft
dead island riptide 1900ft -
Splinter Cell: Blacklist 5400
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Deluxe 5800Splinter Cell: Blacklist Deluxe (uplay, kulcs) 4500
Street fighter X Tekken, verekedos 1600
Street fighter X Tekken Complete Pack, verekedos 2600 -
Dead Island Riptide 1900ft
castle storm 1300
egyeb nemnapi, amit feltettem mostanaban, mind gift:
Alien Rage - Unlimited, akciojatek 2500
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, kaland-akcio-horror 3200
Castlevania, akciojatek 4300
Day One: Garry's Incident, akcio-kaland-tulelojatek 2500
Europa Universalis 4 Extreme Edition , strategia 6000
Godus, istenszimulator 3200
Magic 2014, multiplayer kartya 2000
Might and Magic X - Legacy Deluxe Edition, rpg 4500
Outlast, akciojatek 3500
Payday 2, multiplayer fps 3500
Payday 2 - four pack, multiplayer fps 13000
Prime World Defenders, tower defense 1200
Rayman Legends, akcio-platform 4000
Shadow Warrior, fps 4000
State of Decay (controller ajanlott az early access jatekhoz), akciojatek-rpg 3200
Takedown: Red Sabre, akciojatek 2400
The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief, kalandjatek 3000
Total War: Rome 2, strategia 7800
X-Rebirth, akcio-urszimulator 6500 -
Dead Space 2, akciojatek 800
Hitman Absolution/Professional Edition 1200/1500 <-kod
Hitman Collection (4jatek), akciojatek 2000
Kings bounty: The Legend, korokre osztott rpg, heroes klon 300 <-kod
Kings bounty: Armored Princess, korokre osztott rpg, heroes klon 300 <-kod
Kings bounty: The Legend + Kings bounty: Armored Princess 500 <-kod
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition, rpg 800
The Night of the Rabbit, kalandjatek 1400 -
Pinball FX2 5 darab valasztott 1 euros tabla, 1000
Pinball FX2 2 darab valasztott 3.3 euros tabla, 1500 -
HSZ hogy tudjam figyelni ezeket a remek akciókat...
maicucc, hetvegicucc
Age of Empires 3 Complete 3000
Company of Heroes 2 5400
Street Fighter x Tekken 1500
Street Fighter x Tekken +12 karakter 1500
Street Fighter x Tekken Complete 2600 -
Age of Empires III Complete Collection, strategia 2000
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, strategia 800
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising, strategia 300 (kulcs)
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, strategia 700
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (Tiberium Wars szukseges hozza), strategia 400
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars + Kane's Wrath 1000
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight, strategia 1100 -
Ment a pü.
Weeklong deals a hetre
The Book of Unwritten Tales, kalandjatek 1000
The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles, kalandjatek 1000
The Book of Unwritten Tales Collection (mindket resz+digitalis extrak) , kalandjatek 1800 -
napinincs, shadow warrior 4000ft van
napi: nazi zombie army, 700ft.
napideal: sanctum 2 1100ft.
sot, most latom van itt még:
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC 500
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes 1400
The Fallen Enchantress 2100 -
napi: The Walking Dead, 1100ft, ajanlott
napi idill: Metro: Last Light 2800ft.
senior tag
Crysis 3 van esetleg? FC3 sima?
Mostanaban megjelent jatekok
Battlefield 3 (eu, standard edition, ORIGIN), fps 2500
Bioshock Infinite + Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (a bioshock kulcsok kesve erkeznek) 3000
Sanctum 2, multiplayer-tower defense-fps 1200
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Deluxe Edition (uplay), ajandek SConviction-nel, akciojatek 5000
Tomb Raider, akcio 2200
Napi/Heti DealSteam lista
Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition, horror-kaland 600
Blood Bowl Legendary Edition, sport-akcio-strategia 600
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Cities in Motion 2, strategia, sim city klon, 1200
Civilization 3 Complete (gift), strategia 400
Civilization 4 Complete Edition, strategia 800
Civilization 5 Gold (Civ5 GOTY+Gods&Kings), strategia, 2200
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, strategia 1200
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, strategia 800
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (Tiberium Wars szukseges hozza), strategia 800
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars + Kane's Wrath 1500
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight, strategia 1200
Dirt Showdown, rally 1000
Costume Quest + Psychonauts + Stacking kaland-rpg-logikai jatekok 700
Counter Strike + CS: Condition Zero 1000
Counter Strike Complete(cs,zero,source,go) multiplayer-fps, 2000
Drakensang, rpg 800
Fallout 3: GOTY, rpg 1300
Fallout 3: New Vegas Ultimate Edition, rpg 1500
Fallout Collection, rpg 600
Disciples 3: Resurrection, strategia, heroes-klon 600
Disciples 3: Renaissance, strategia, heroes-klon 600
Disciples 3: Resurrection + Renaissance 1000
Forge (gift), multiplayer fantasy lovoldozos 600
Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD, uros lovoldozos, strategia 700
Haunted: Hells Reach, fps 1000
Hitman Absolution/Professional 1400/1900
Hotline Miami, akcio, 500
Inversion, akcio 500
Men of War: Vietnam - Special Edition, 500
Off-Road Drive, autoszimulator 800
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum, vidampark szimulator 1300
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package, akcio 1000
Sleeping Dogs, akcio 1300
Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops, akcio 500
Sonic Generations + Casino Nights DLC, ugyessegi-platform-akcio 1200
Telltale Games: Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures (4jatek) + Back to the Future: The Game (5jatek) + Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (5jatek) + Hector: Badge of Carnage (3jatek) + Puzzle Agent 1 + Puzzle Agent 2 + Poker Night at the Inventory 1200
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes, nyomozos 1300
The Walking Dead, (mind az ot epizod) kalandjatek 1400
Torchlight + Vessel + Rochard + S.P.A.Z. + Shatter 1000
Trainz Simulator 2012 + Aerotrain DLC + Coronation Scot DLC, vonatszimulator 600
//Trine 2: Complete Story, platform-akcio-kaland-rpg 600
Tropico 4 Collectors Bundle, strategia-szimulacio 1100
//Unreal Deal Pack, fps 1800Kisebb Steam jatekok
AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity, akcio 300
Adventures of Shuggy, logikai-platformjatek 200
Air Conflicts Pacific Carriers, akcio-repuloszimulator 500
Air Forte, matematika, foldrajz es szokincsismereti jatek, angol 200
Alien Hallway, tower defense 200
//Alien Shooter Revisited, felulnezetes lovoldozos 200
A New Beginning - Final Cut, kalandjatek 300
Aquanox + Aquanox 2: Revelation, akcio 400
Aquaria, platformjatek 300
Atom Zombie Smasher, tower-defense tipusu arkad 300
Auraate of Ages, kalandjatek 300
Avencast: Rise of the Mage, rpg-akcio 300
Awesomenauts, platform-akcio 300
Aztaka, akcio-rpg platformjatek 200
Beat Hazard Ultra, akcio-repulos 300
//Bit.Trip Runner + Wizorb + Gratuitous Space Battles (+multiplayer key) + Jamestown 800
Brazen Prototype, multiplayer-akcio 200
Capsized, platform-akcio 300
Cargo Commander, platform-akcio 300
Ceville, kalandjatek 400
Crash Time 2, autos-uldozos 300
//Crayon Physics Deluxe, logikai-ugyessegi-rajzolos 300
Crayon Physics Deluxe + VVVVVV + Hammerfight + And Yet it Moves, platform-logikai-akciojatekok 800
Crusader Kings Complete, strategia 500
Darwinia + Multiwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Dead Hungry Diner, arkad 300
Dear Esther, kalandjatek 300
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth, fps 300
Death Track Resurrection, autos-lovoldozos 200
Defcon, strategia 200
Defenders of Ardania, tower defense 300
Defense Grid, tower defense 400
Demigod, strategia 300
Dino D-Day, fps 400
Dracula: Origin, kalandjatek 400
Dream Pinball 3D, flipper 500
Droplitz, logikai 300
Dungeon Hearts, ritmus-arkad 200
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 400
Dynamite Jack, platformjatek 200
Earth 2160, strategia 300
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, point&click kalandjatek 300
English Country Tune, absztrakt 3d-logikai 200
Eschalon: Book II, rpg 200
eXceed + eXceed 2nd + eXceed 3rd, arkad-lovoldozos 500
Fairy Bloom Freesia, manga platform-akcio 200
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Field Runners, tower defense 300
Fireburst, arkad-autos 300
Flotilla, uros lovoldozos-kereskedos 200
Fractal, arkad 300
Galactic Arms Race, uros lovoldozos 200
Galactic Civilizations 1: Ultimate Edition, urstrategia 200
Game of Dwarves, strategia, sim, rpg 300
Gatling Gears, lovoldozos akcio 300
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, strategia 300
Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts, rpg-strategia 300
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, korokre osztott rpg-strategia 300
Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts + Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, rpg-strategia 500
Gumboy - Crazy Adventures, platformjatek 300
Hearts of Iron 3, strategia 200
Hydrophobia, akciojatek 300
iBomber: Defense, tower defense 300
Imperium Romanum Gold Edition 300
Indie Game: The Movie, film 200
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 500
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 200
Intrusion 2, platform-akcio 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 400
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 500
Iron Grip, tower defense-fps 300
Jolly Rover, point&click kalandjatek 300
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death, akcio 400
Just Cause, akcio 400
The Journey Down: Chapter One, point and click kalandjatek 300
Karateka, verekedos 300
Kings bounty: The Legend, korokre osztott rpg 300
Kung Fu Strike - The Warrior's Rise, akcio-verekedos 300
Larva Mortus, felulnezetes lovoldozos 300
Legendary, fps 300
Little Inferno, arkad 300
Lucid, arkad-logikai 300
Madballs in Babo: Invasion +dlc, lovoldozos 300
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
McPixel, "erdekes jatek" 300
Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack, 5dlc 200
Miner Wars Arena, tankos-lovoldozos 200
//NecroVision, fps 300
//NecroVision: Lost Company, fps 300
Nikopol: Secret of the Immortals, horror-kaland 400
Nightsky, logikai platformjatek 200
Noitu Love 2: Devolution, akcio-platformjatek 300
Nuclear Dawn, multiplayer taktikai fps 300
Numen: Contest of Heroes, akcio-rpg 300
Oil Rush, strategia 400
Off-Road Drive, terepautos 400
Organ Trail, retro-rpg 200
Pacific Storm, vilaghaborus szimulator-akcio 300
Pacific Storm Allies, vilaghaborus szimulator-akcio 400
Pacific Storm + Pacific Storm Allies 600
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 400
Painkiller Overdose, fps 300
Painkiller Redemption, fps 300
Painkiller: Recurring Evil, fps 500
Painkiller Black Edition + Overdose + Redemption + Recurring Evil, 4 kulon kulcs, 1200
Party of Sin, platform kalandjatek, trine-klon 300
Patrician 4 Steam Special Edition, strategia 500
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World, multiplayer-fps 300
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3, retro-rpg 100
Pirates of Black Cove, strategia 300
Planets under Attack, logikai 300
Plain Sight, multiplayer-arkad 300
Post Mortem, horror-kalandjatek 400
Primordia, kalandjatek 200
Real Warfare 1242, strategia 300
Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades, strategia 500
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak a dlc) 100
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, fps 300
Reign: Conflict of Nations, strategia 300
Rip Trilogy, lovoldozos 300
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, strategia-akcio 300
Sacraboar, strategia 300
Section 8, akcio 300
Shadowgrounds, third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds + Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 300
Shank 2, akcio-platform 300
Shattered Horizon, multiplayer-fps 300
Sherlock Holmes and The Hound of the Baskervilles, hidden object-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes - The Awakened (Remastered Edition), nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes - The Mystery of the Mummy, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes - The Mystery of the Persian Carpet, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes - The Silver Earring, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper, nyomozos-kalndjatek 600
Slam Bolt Scrappers, platform-akcio 300
Snapshot, platform-logikai 300
Snuggle truck, arkad-ugyessegi 300
Solar 2, ugyessegi 200
Sonic the Hedgehog, platformjatek 300
Sonic the Hedgehog 2, platformjatek 300
Sonic 3 and Knuckles, platformjatek 300
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode 1, platformjatek 400
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode 2, platformjatek 400
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode 1 + Episode 2, platformjatek 700
Sonic 3D Blast, platformjatek 300
Sonic CD, platformjatek 300
Sonic Spinball, flipper 300
Sonic Adventure DX, platformjatek 500
Space Pirates and Zombies, strategia-akcio
Space Trader: Merchant Marine, fps 200
Space Chem, logikai 300
Splice, logikai 200
Star Ruler, urstrategia, 300
Star Wolves 2, urstrategia 200
Stealth Bastard Deluxe, platformjatek 400
Still Life, horror-kalandjatek 400
Still Life 2, horror-kalandjatek 400
Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery EP akcio-kaland 200
Sword of the Stars: Complete Collection, urstrategia 300
Syberia, kalandjatek 300
Thomas Was Alone, platform-ugyessegi 200
Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers, platform 200
Tropico Reloaded, (Tropico1+dlc+Tropico 2) strategia 400
Two Worlds 2 - Castle Defense, strategia - tower defense 500
Uplink, hacker-logikai 200
Vegas: Make it Big, epitkezos simcity-klon 300
Vertex Dispenser, absztrakt-strategia 200
Vessel, platformjatek 300
Vigil: Blood Bitterness, absztrakt horror kaland 300
Waking Mars, platform-kaland-akcio 400
Warlock: Master of the Arcane, strategia, civilization-klon 500
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space, uros akcio-strategia 300
X-Blades, fantasy-anime-akcio 500
Zeno Clash, akciojatek 400
Zombie Pirates, konnyed strategia 300
Zombie Driver HD + ZD HD: Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack 500
Zombie Driver HD Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack DLC 300
Zombie Shooter, felulnezetes lovoldozos 200
Zombie Shooter 2, felulneztes lovoldozos 300Uplay
Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ugyanugy internetrol telepitheto a vasarolt jatek, mint steam eseteben.
OriginAz Electronic Arts kliense, pl a Crysis 3 mar csak ezen keresztul futtathato
Dragon Age Origins + Awakening + 9DLC, rpg 1900
Mass Effect 2, rpg 400Desura
A Desura foleg kisebb indie jatekokra specializalodott kliens.
Desura Start akcio: osszes itt lathato desuras jatek egyben (kb 15-20db) 900ft
Adventure Apes and the Mayan Mystery, retro kalandjatek 100
Battle Group, arkad-lovoldozos 100
Bloody trapland, platformjatek 100
Chester, platformjatek 100
Constant-C, platformjatek 200
Doom and Destiny, rpg 100
Eleusis, kalandjatek 100
Fairy Bloom Freesia, manga platform-akcio 100
Fibrillation, fps-horror kalandjatek 100
Gimbal, multiplayer-urhajos 100
Holy Avatar vs Maidens of Dead, rpg
Kill Fun Yeah, retro-multiplayer-lovoldozos 100
Miner Warfare, multiplayer-platformjatek 100
Oniken, platformjatek 100
Paranautical Activity, fps 100
Radical Roach, arkad 100
Survivor Squad, akcio-strategia 100
Talisman Prologue, tablas fantasy-kocka-kartyajatek atultetese pc-re 100
Woodle Tree, platformjatek 100
Zombusters, lovoldozos 100 -
friss lista. a //-rel jelolt jatekok perpill foglalas alatt. gyakran valtozik, irj ha kellene valami, koszi!
Mostanaban megjelent jatekok
Bioshock Infinite 3500
Crysis 3 - Hunter Edition (origin) 2800
Metro: Last Light 5500
Tomb Raider 2800
Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (Far Cry 3 nem szukseges) 500Tomb Raider + Bioshock Infinite + Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (3 kulon kulcs) 6300
Crysis 3 - Hunter Edition (origin) + Bioshock Infinite + Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (3 kulon kulcs) 6300Steam lista
Back to the Future: The Game, point and click kalandjatek 900
Borderlands 2, fps 2500
Civilization 3 Complete (gift), strategia 400
Civilization 4 Complete, strategia 800
Civilization 5 GOLD, strategia 2500
//Cryostasis, fps 500
Dead Island GOTY, fps 1500
Europa Universalis 3 Chronicles, strategia 500
Forge (gift), multiplayer fantasy lovoldozos 800
Hitman Absolution/Professional Edition 1800/2300
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire, rpg-strategia 700
Killing Floor Bundle (11dlc), multiplayer-fps 900
King Arthur I+II +5dlc +kieg , strategia 900
//Lucius, horror-kaland 600
Men of War: Vietnam - Special Edition, 700
Orcs Must Die 2 Complete Pack, akcio-tower defense, 1200
Penumbra Black Plague Gold Edition + Penumbra Overdrive , horror-kaland 1300
Sim City 4 Deluxe Edition (Sim City 4 + Rush hour), 900
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army, multiplayer-fps 1400
Two Worlds 2, akcio-rpg 800
Two Worlds 2 - Castle Defense, strategia - tower defense 500
//Unreal Deal Pack (5 jatek), fps 2000
Warlock: Master of the Arcane, strategia, civilization-klon 600
X-Blades, fantasy-anime-akcio 500
X-Com: Enemy Unknown, korokre osztott strategia 2500Kisebb Steam jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 200
Adventures of Shaggy, logikai-platformjatek 200
AirBuccaneers, kooperativ multiplayer jatek 200
Air Forte, matematika, foldrajz es szokincsismereti jatek, angol 300
//Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
//Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
//Alien Breed 2: Assault + Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 500
Alien Hallway, tower defense 200
Alien Shooter Revisited, felulnezetes lovoldozos 200
Atom Zombie Smasher, tower-defense tipusu arkad 300
Aztaka, akcio-rpg platformjatek 200
Beat Hazard Ultra, akcio-repulos 300
Burn Zombie Burn!, akcio 300
Cargo Commander, platform akcio 400
Ceville, kalandjatek 400
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Crash Time 2, autos-uldozos 300
//Crazy Machines, logikai 300
//Crazy Machines 1.5, logikai 300
//Crazy Machines + Crazy Machines 1.5, logikai 500
Crayon Physics Deluxe, logikai-ugyessegi-rajzolos 300
Darwinia + Multiwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Dawn of War GOTY, strategia 300
Death Track Resurrection, autos-lovoldozos 200
Defcon, strategia 200
Defenders of Ardania, tower defense 300
Demigod, strategia 300
Deponia, kalandjatek 400
Droplitz, logikai 300
Dungeon Hearts, ritmus-arkad 200
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 500
Dynamite Jack, platformjatek 200
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, kalandjatek 300
Earth 2160, strategia 300
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Complete Pack, lovoldozos 300
Eschalon: Book II, rpg 200
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
//Fireburst, arkad-autos 300
Flotilla, uros lovoldozos-kereskedos 200
Galactic Arms Race, uros lovoldozos 300
Galactic Civilizations 1: Ultimate Edition, urstrategia 200
Game of Dwarves, strategia, sim, rpg 300
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, strategia 300
//Greed: Black Border, akcio 300
Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts, rpg-strategia 300
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, korokre osztott rpg-strategia 300
Hearts of Iron 3, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 300
iBomber: Defense, tower defense 300
iBomber: Defense Pacific, tower defense 300
iBomber Attack + Defense + Defense Pacific 600
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 500
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
//Ion Assault, arkad-lovoldozos 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 400
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 500
Iron Grip, tower defense-fps 300
Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire, korokre osztott taktikai lovoldozos 300
Jolly Rover, point&click kalandjatek 300
The Journey Down: Chapter One, point and click kalandjatek 300
Larva Mortus, felulnezetes lovoldozos 300
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack, 5dlc 200
Miner Wars Arena, tankos-lovoldozos 200
Miner Wars 2081, uros-lovoldozos 300
Nightsky, logikai platformjatek 200
Nuclear Dawn, strategia-fps 300
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 200
Pacific Storm, vilaghaborus szimulator-akcio 300
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 400
Party of Sin, platform kalandjatek, trine-klon 300
//Penguins Arena: Sedna's World, multiplayer-fps 300
Planets under Attack, logikai 300
Plain Sight, multiplayer-arkad 300
Post Mortem, horror-kalandjatek 400
//Primal Fears, akcio 400
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak a dlc) 100
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, fps 300
//Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad GOTY, fps 300
Rip Trilogy, lovoldozos 300 //Roogoo, logikai 300
//Rogue Warrior, fps 400
Scratches: Director's Cut, horror-kaland 400
Shadowgrounds, third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds + Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 300
Shank 2, akcio-platform 300
Shattered Horizon, multiplayer-fps 300
Solar 2, ugyessegi 200
Space Trader: Merchant Marine, fps 200
//Spellforce: Platinum Edition 500
Splice, logikai 200
Star Wolves 3: Civil War, urstrategia 400
Still Life, horror-kalandjatek 400
Still Life 2, horror-kalandjatek 400
Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery EP akcio-kaland 200
Titan Quest, rpg hack&slash 300
Toy Soldiers, strategia-akcio 300
Uplink, hacker-logikai 200
Vegas: Make it Big, epitkezos simcity-klon 300
Vertex Dispenser, absztrakt-strategia 200
Victoria 2, strategia, 19. szazad 300
Vigil: Blood Bitterness, absztrakt horror kaland 300
Zombie Pirates, konnyed strategia 300
Zombie Driver HD, autos lovoldozos 300
Zombie Driver HD Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack 300
Zombie Driver HD + ZD HD: Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack 500
Zombie Shooter, felulnezetes lovoldozos 200
Zombie Shooter 2, felulneztes lovoldozos 300Uplay
Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ugyanugy internetrol telepitheto a jatek mint steam eseteben. Az AC3 es a FC3 steames verzioi is egybol az uplayt inditjak, megkerulhetetlen.
Assassins Creed 3 2400
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) 1800
Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (Far Cry 3 nem szukseges) 500
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) + Far Cry: Blood Dragon 2200Origin
Az Electronic Arts kliense, pl a Crysis 3 mar csak ezen keresztul futtathato
Dragon Age 2, rpg 1400
Dragon Age Origins + Awakening + 9DLC, rpg 2000
Mass Effect 2, rpg 500
Mass Effect 3, rpg 2000Desura
A Desura foleg kisebb indie jatekokra specializalodott kliens.
Adventure Apes and the Mayan Mystery, retro kalandjatek 100
Battle Group, arkad-lovoldozos 100
Fibrillation, fps-horror kalandjatek 100
Gimbal, multiplayer-urhajos 100
Kill Fun Yeah, retro-multiplayer-lovoldozos 100
Talisman Prologue, tablas fantasy-kocka-kartyajatek atultetese pc-re 100 -
törölt tag
Mostanaban megjeleno/megjelent jatekok
Crysis 3 - Hunter Edition (origin) 3500
Metro: Last Light 5500
Tomb Raider 3500
Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (Far Cry 3 nem szukseges, elorendeles, majus 1) 800Tomb Raider + Bioshock Infinite + Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (3 kulon kulcs) 7500
Crysis 3 - Hunter Edition (origin) + Bioshock Infinite + Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (3 kulon kulcs) 7500Steam lista
Borderlands 2, fps 2500
Civilization 3 Complete (gift), strategia 500
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (gift), taktikai-fps 1000
Europa Universalis 3 Chronicles, strategia 700
Hard Reset Extended Edition, fps 500
Hitman Absolution 2000
Killing Floor Bundle (11dlc), multiplayer-fps 900
King Arthur I+II +5dlc +kieg , strategia 900
Kings Bounty: Platinum Edition, 3 jatek, korokre osztott strategia, heroes klon 1000
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North, korokre osztott strategia, heroes klon 1000
Krater Collector's Edition, hack & slash 1000
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift), rpg 900
Penumbra Black Plague Gold + Penumbra Overture horror-kaland 1300
Men of War: Vietnam - Special Edition, 700
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army, multiplayer-fps 1500
Two Worlds 2, akcio-rpg 900
Two Worlds 2 - Castle Defense, strategia - tower defense 500
//Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2, strategia 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution + All Wargear DLC + Last Stand Complete + Complete Chapter Pack + Tau Commander, strategia 1900
Warlock: Master of the Arcane, strategia, civilization-klon 900
X-Blades, fantasy-anime-akcio 500Kisebb Steam jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 200
Adventures of Shaggy, logikai-platformjatek 200
AirBuccaneers, kooperativ multiplayer jatek 200
Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
Aztaka, akcio-rpg platformjatek 300
Bastion hack&slash 600
Beat Hazard + Ultra dlc, akcio-repulos 300
Ceville, kalandjatek 400
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Crash Time 2, autos-uldozos
Crazy Machines, logikai 300
Crazy Machines 1.5, logikai 300
Crazy Machines + Crazy Machines 1.5, logikai 500
Crayon Physics Deluxe, logikai-ugyessegi-rajzolos 300
Cryostasis, fps 500
Darwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Dawn of War GOTY, strategia 300
Defcon, strategia 300
Defenders of Ardania, tower defense 300
Demigod, strategia 300
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
//DLC Quest, platformjatek 200
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 500
Dynamite Jack, platformjatek 200
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, kalandjatek 300
Earth 2160, strategia 300
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Complete Pack, lovoldozos 300
Eschalon: Book II, rpg 200
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Fireburst, arkad-autos 300
Galactic Civilizations 1: Ultimate Edition, urstrategia 300
Game of Dwarves, strategia, sim, rpg 300
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, strategia 300
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, korokre osztott rpg-strategia 300
Hearts of Iron 3, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 300
iBomber: Defense, tower defense 300
iBomber: Defense Pacific, tower defense 300
iBomber Attack + Defense + Defense Pacific 600
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 500
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
Ion Assault, arkad-lovoldozos 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 400
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 500
Iron Grip, tower defense-fps 300
Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire, korokre osztott taktikai lovoldozos 300
Jolly Rover, point&click kalandjatek 300
The Journey Down: Chapter One, point and click kalandjatek 300
Larva Mortus, felulnezetes lovoldozos 300
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack, 5dlc 300
Miner Wars Arena, tankos-lovoldozos 200
Miner Wars 2081, uros-lovoldozos 400
Multiwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Nightsky, logikai platformjatek 200
Nuclear Dawn, strategia-fps 300
Obulis, ugyessegi-logikai 300
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 200
Pacific Storm, vilaghaborus szimulator-akcio 300
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Party of Sin, platform kalandjatek, trine-klon 300
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World, multiplayer-fps 300
Planets under Attack, logikai 300
Post Mortem, horror-kalandjatek 400
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak a dlc) 100
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, fps 300
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad GOTY, fps 300
Roogoo, logikai 300
Rogue Warrior, fps 500
Scratches: Director's Cut, horror-kaland 400
Shadowgrounds, third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds + Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 300
Shank 2, akcio-platform 300
Shattered Horizon, multiplayer-fps 300
Solar 2, ugyessegi 200
Space Trader: Merchant Marine, fps 200
Splice, logikai 200
Starvoid (gift), multiplayer strategia 300
Still Life, horror-kalandjatek 400
Still Life 2, horror-kalandjatek 400
Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery EP akcio-kaland 200
Tank Universal, tankos Tron vilagban 200
Titan Quest, rpg hack&slash 300
Uplink, hacker-logikai 200
Vegas: Make it Big, epitkezos simcity-klon 300
Vertex Dispenser, absztrakt-strategia 200
Vigil: Blood Bitterness, absztrakt horror kaland 300
Zombie Pirates, konnyed strategia 300
Zombie Driver HD, autos lovoldozos 300
Zombie Driver HD Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack 300
Zombie Driver HD + ZD HD: Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack 500Uplay
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) 1900
Assassins Creed 3 2500Origin
Mass Effect 2, rpg 500
Dawn of Fantasy, mmo fantasy-strategia 300
Fibrillation, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Livalink, fps 200
Major Mayhem, arkad-lovoldozos 200
Paranormal, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Talisman Prologue, tablas fantasy-kocka-kartyajatek atultetese pc-re 200Egyeb
Hawken 3600 Meteor Cash 500ft
World of Tanks uj jatekos meghivo 1500 arannyal 300
World of Tanks 2050 arany + 1 ho premium regi jatekosoknak 3000 -
Tomb Raider steam + Bioshock Infinite steam + blood dragon uplay combo 7499
Blood Dragon uplay elorendeles 1499 -
Kis modositas:
Mostanaban megjelent jatekok
Bioshock Infinite 3999
Crysis 3 (ORIGIN) 3999
Tomb Raider 3999Tomb Raider + Bioshock Infinite combo 7499
Mostanaban megjelent jatekok
Bioshock Infinite 4500
Crysis 3 (ORIGIN) 4500
Tomb Raider 4500Uplay lista
Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ugyanugy internetrol telepitheto a jatek mint steam eseteben. Az AC3 es a FC3 steames verzioi is egybol az uplayt inditjak, megkerulhetetlen.
Assassin's Creed 3 2499
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) 1999Steam lista
Ace of Spades 900
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1300
Civilization 3 Complete (gift) 500
Civilization 5 Gods & Kings kiegeszito, 1000
Civilization 5 Gold : Civ5+10DLC+Gods&Kings (gift) 2400
Counter Strike: Source (gift) 1400
Darksiders 2 1900
Deadlight 800
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (gift) 1200
Duke Nukem Forever 700
Europa Universalis 3 Chronicles 700
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto 1200
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (gift) 800
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire 900
Killing Floor Bundle (11dlc) 900
King Arthur I+II +5dlc +kieg , strategia 900
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North 1000
Krater Collector's Edition 1000
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift) 900
Lucius 600
Penumbra Black Plague Gold + Penumbra Overture 1300
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc) 700
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 1500
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek) 800
Two Worlds 2 900
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution + All Wargear DLC + Last Stand Complete + Complete Chapter Pack + Tau Commander 2000
Warlock: Master of the Arcane 900Kisebb Steam jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 200
Adventures of Shaggy, logikai-platformjatek 200
AirBuccaneers, kooperativ multiplayer jatek 200
Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
Aztaka, akcio-rpg platformjatek 300
Bastion hack&slash 600
Beat Hazard + Ultra dlc, akcio-repulos 300
Broken Sword Trilogy, 3 kalandjatek, kulon kodok, 500
Ceville, kalandjatek 400
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Crayon Physics Deluxe, logikai-ugyessegi-rajzolos 300
Cryostasis, fps 500
Darksiders, tps 400
Darwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Dawn of War GOTY, strategia 300
Dawn of War Gold Edition (goty+winter assault), strategia 500
Defcon, strategia 300
Defenders of Ardania, tower defense 300
Demigod, strategia 300
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 500
Dynamite Jack, platformjatek 200
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, kalandjatek 500
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Complete Pack, lovoldozos 400
Eschalon: Book I, rpg 200
Eschalon: Book II, rpg 200
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Fireburst, arkad-autos 300
Galactic Civilizations 1: Ultimate Edition, urstrategia 300
Game of Dwarves, strategia, sim, rpg 300
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, strategia 300
Hearts of Iron 3, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 300
iBomber: Defense, tower defense 300
iBomber: Defense Pacific, tower defense 300
iBomber Attack + Defense + Defense Pacific 600
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 500
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 500
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 600
The Journey Down: Chapter One, point and click kalandjatek 300
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack, 5dlc 300
Miner Wars Arena, tankos-lovoldozos 200
Miner Wars 2081, uros-lovoldozos 400
Multiwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Nightsky, logikai platformjatek 200
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 200
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Party of Sin, platform kalandjatek, trine-klon 300
Planets under Attack, logikai 300
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak a dlc) 100
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, fps 300
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad GOTY, fps 300
Roogoo, logikai 300
Rogue Warrior 500
Solar 2, ugyessegi 200
Splice, logikai 200
Starvoid (gift), multiplayer strategia 300
Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery EP akcio-kaland 200
The Path, kaland-horrorjatek 500
Titan Quest, rpg hack&slash 300
Torchlight (gift), rpg hack&slash 500
Two Worlds Epic Edition, rpg 500
Uplink, hacker-logikai 200
Vegas: Make it Big, epitkezos simcity-klon 300
Zombie Pirates, konnyed strategia 300Desura jatekok
Dawn of Fantasy, mmo fantasy-strategia 300
Fibrillation, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Livalink, fps 200
Major Mayhem, arkad-lovoldozos 200
Paranormal, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Talisman Prologue, tablas fantasy-kocka-kartyajatek atultetese pc-re 200Egyeb
Hawken 3600 Meteor Cash 500ft
Planetside 2 Gear Up Pack - Infantry Camo, Weapon Camo, Exclusive Gun, 7 Day XP Boost, 7 Day Resource Boost 500
World of Tanks uj jatekos meghivo 1500 arannyal 400
World of Tanks 2050 arany + 1 ho premium regi jatekosoknak 3000
Tf2 kulcs 350/db -
csendes tag
Assassin's Creed 3 2499
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) 2399Steam lista
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY 900
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1300
Civilization 3 Complete (gift) 500
Civilization 4 Complete (alap+3kieg) 900
Civilization 5 Gods & Kings kiegeszito, 1000
Civilization 5 Gold : Civ5+10DLC+Gods&Kings (gift) 2400
Company of Heroes GOLD (CoH+CoHpposing Fronts) 500
Counter Strike: Source (gift) 1400
Cryostasis 500
Darksiders 400
Deadlight 1000
Disciples 3: Renaissance Steam Special Edition 900
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 1200
Duke Nukem Forever 700
Duke Nukem Forever Collection (osszes dlc) 1000
Dungeon: Dark Lord 500
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind 800
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto 1200
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (gift) 800
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire 900
King Arthur I+II +5dlc +kieg , strategia 900
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North 1000
Krater Collector's Edition 1000
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift) 900
Lucius 600
Men of War: Condemned Heroes 800
Penumbra Black Plague Gold + Penumbra Overture 1300
Red Faction: Armageddon + Path to War DLC 700
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc) 700
Saints Row the Third 1200
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack (10 jatek) 800
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 2 (10 jatek) 800
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 3 (10 jatek) 800
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 4 (10 jatek) 800
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Classics Pack 5 (10 jatek) 800
Sega Mega Drive Classics 1+2+3+4+5 (50 jatek) 2000
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 1500
Supreme Commander + Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, strategia 700
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek) 800
Two Worlds 2 900
Transformers: War for Cybertron (gift) 900
Toy Soldiers, strategia, 500
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising 600
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 + Wh40koW2 Chaos Rising (kulon kodok) 1200
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution 1200Kisebb jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 200
Adventures of Shaggy, logikai-platformjatek 200
AirBuccaneers, kooperativ multiplayer jatek 200
Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
Beat Hazard, arkad-repulos 300
Broken Sword Trilogy, 3 kalandjatek, kulon kodok, 500
Cave Story+ platformajtek 200
Ceville, kalandjatek 400
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Darwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Defcon, strategia 300
Demigod, strategia 300
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 500
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, kalandjatek 500
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Complete Pack, lovoldozos 400
Eschalon: Book I, rpg 200
Eschalon: Book II, rpg 200
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Fireburst, arkad-autos 300
Galactic Civilizations 1: Ultimate Edition, urstrategia 300
Hearts of Iron 3, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
Hydrophobia (gift), fps 500
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 300
iBomber: Defense Pacific, tower defense 300
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 500
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 500
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 600
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Metro 2033, fps 300
Men of War, strategia 300
Men of War: red tide, strategia 300
Men of War + Men of War: red tide, strategia 500
Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack, 5dlc 300
Miner Wars Arena, tankos-lovoldozos 200
Miner Wars 2081, uros-lovoldozos 400
Multiwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 200
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Party of Sin, platform kalandjatek, trine-klon 300
Planets under Attack, logikai 300
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak dlc) 100
Red Faction: Guerilla, fps 400
Roogoo, logikai 300
Rogue Warrior 500
Starvoid (gift), multiplayer strategia 300
The Path, kaland-horrorjatek 500
Unmechanical, platformjatek 500
Uplink, hacker-logikai 200
Vegas: Make it Big, epitkezos simcity-klon 300
Zombie Pirates, konnyed strategia 300Desura jatekok
Dawn of Fantasy, mmo fantasy-strategia 300
Fibrillation, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Livalink, fps 200
Major Mayhem, arkad-lovoldozos 200
Paranormal, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Talisman Prologue, tablas fantasy-kocka-kartyajatek atultetese pc-re 200 -
Ezek a jatekok nem steames kodok, hanem uplayesek. Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ugyanugy internetrol telepitheto a jatek mint steam eseteben. Az AC3 es a FC3 steames verzioi is egybol az uplayt inditjak, megkerulhetetlen.
Assassin's Creed 3 2499
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) 2399Steam elorendeles
Tomb Raider + Bioshock Infinite 7000
Bioshock Infinite 4000
Tomb Raider 4000Hogy mukodik?
A verzio) A duplapakkokhoz tudok adni egy kodot most azonnal, amit ha beregisztralsz az AMD oldalan, megjelenes elott par nappal elkuldik az altalad megadott emailcimre a jatekok Steam/origin kodjat.
B verzio) Ha kulon kellene egy jatek: beregelem en a kodot a sajat emailcimemre, es amint kijott a jatek, kuldom neked a jatek(ok) steames/origin kodjat. A te cimedre nem tudjuk regisztralni, mert oda menne a duplapakk masik jateka is. Hatranya, hogy nagyobb mertekben bizalomjatek, mert csak kesobb lesz nalad barmi kezzel foghato - konkretan amikor a jatek megjelenik.Megjelenesi datumok:
Tomb Raider: Marcius 5
Bioshock Infinite: Marcius 26Steam lista
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1400
Brink Complete 1400
Civilization 4 Complete (alap+3kieg) 900
Civilization 5 GOTY (dlckkel) 2300
Civilization 5 Gods & Kings kiegeszito, 1800
Company of Heroes GOLD (CoH+CoHpposing Fronts) 700
Cryostasis 500
Darksiders 500
Darksiders 2 2200
Deadlight 1000
Disciples 3: Renaissance Steam Special Edition 900
Duke Nukem Forever 700
Duke Nukem Forever Collection (osszes dlc) 1000
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind 1000
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto 1400
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (gift) 1000
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire 1000
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North 1200
Krater Collector's Edition 1200
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift) 900
Lucius 800
Red Faction: Armageddon + Path to War DLC 900
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc) 800
Saints Row the Third 1200
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 2 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 3 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 4 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Classics Pack 5 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics 1+2+3+4+5 (50 jatek) 2500
Supreme Commander + Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, strategia 700
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek) 900
Toy Soldiers, strategia, 500
Trine2: The Goblin Menace DLC (gift) 500
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 800
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 + Wh40koW2 Chaos Rising (kulon kodok) 1300
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution 1300Kisebb jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 300
Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
Beat Hazard, arkad-repulos 300
Broken Sword Trilogy, 3 kalandjatek, kulon kodok, 500
Cave Story+ platformajtek 300
Ceville, kalandjatek 500
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 500
Eschalon: Book I, rpg 300
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
Hydrophobia (gift), fps 500
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 500
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 600
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 500
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 800
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Metro 2033, fps 300
Men of war, strategia 300
Men of war: red tide, strategia 300
Nexuiz 450
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 300
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Razor 2: Hidden Skies, arkad-repulos 300
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak dlc) 100
Red Faction: Guerilla, fps 400
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, strategia+akcio, commandos-klon 300
Roogoo, logikai 300
Rogue Warrior 500
Section 8, fps 300
Shank 2, platformjatek 500
Starvoid (gift), multiplayer strategia 300
The Path, kaland-horrorjatek 500
Unmechanical, platformjatek 500 -
up, gyors es korrekt kiszolgalas, ajanlom mindenkinek
Én már vásároltam /Crysis 3 Bioshock/és minden okés volt.Az eladó gyors és segítőkész!
Uplay lista
Ezek a jatekok nem steames kodok, hanem uplayesek. Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ha steames verziot vennenk ezekbol a jatekokbol, akkor is ugyanugy kotelezo lenne hasznalni.
Assassin's Creed 3 3000
Far Cry 3 (+the lost expeditions dlc) 2800Steam elorendeles!!!
Crysis 3 + Bioshock Infinite 8500
Tomb Raider + Bioshock Infinite 7000Bioshock Infinite 4000
Crysis 3 5500
Tomb Raider 4000Megjelenesi datumok: Crysis 3: Februar 22, Tomb Raider: Marcius 5, Bioshock Infinite: Marcius 26. Erosen korlatozott darabszamban.
Steam lista
Bioshock 800
Bioshock 2 800
Bioshock 1+2 (2 kod) 1400
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1400
Brink Complete 1400
Civilization 4 Complete (alap+3kieg) 900
Company of Heroes GOLD (CoH+CoHpposing Fronts) 700
Cryostasis 500
Darksiders 500
Darksiders 2 2500
Deadlight 1000
Disciples 3: Renaissance Steam Special Edition 900
//Dishonored 3300
Duke Nukem Forever 700
Duke Nukem Forever Collection (osszes dlc) 1000
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind 1000
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto 1400
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (gift) 1000
Hunted: The Demon's Forge 1000
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire 1000
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North 1400
Krater Collector's Edition 1200
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift) 1000
Lucius 800
Mark of the Ninja 800
//Prototype 900
Red Faction: Armageddon + Path to War DLC 900
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc) 800
Saints Row the Third 1400
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 2 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 3 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 4 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Classics Pack 5 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics 1+2+3+4+5 (50 jatek) 2500
Sleeping Dogs kod/gift 1900/2200
Spec Ops: The Line 1400
Supreme Commander + Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, strategia 700
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek) 900
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut (gift) 900
Toy Soldiers, strategia, 700
Trine2: The Goblin Menace DLC (gift) 500
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 800
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 + Wh40koW2 Chaos Rising (kulon kodok) 1300
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution 1300Kisebb jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 300
Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
Beat Hazard, arkad-repulos 300
Broken Sword Trilogy, 3 kalandjatek, kulon kodok, 500
Cave Story+ platformajtek 300
Ceville, kalandjatek 500
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
DOTA 2 gift, strategia, extra itemek nelkul 100ft
EDGE (gift), logikai 400
Eschalon: Book I, rpg 300
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
Hydrophobia (gift), fps 500
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 500
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 600
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 500
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 800
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Metro 2033, fps 300
Men of war, strategia 300
Men of war: red tide, strategia 300
Nexuiz 450
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 300
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Razor 2: Hidden Skies, arkad-repulos 300
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak dlc) 100
Red Faction: Guerilla, fps 400
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, strategia+akcio, commandos-klon 300
Roogoo, logikai 300
Rogue Warrior 500
Section 8, fps 300
Shank 2, platformjatek 500
Starvoid (gift), multiplayer strategia 300
The Path, kaland-horrorjatek 500
Unmechanical, platformjatek 500 -
up, kb 80 cim van perpill.
up, van meg csomo minden
1 fc3 2ac3 van meg, pentek este 8-ig.
fc3 & ac3 akcio, csak ma, 2900/db, az elso ket erdeklodonek!
rikohun9812 #17 üzenetére
Uplay lista
Ezek a jatekok nem steames kodok, hanem uplayesek. Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ha steames verziot vennenk ezekbol a jatekokbol, akkor is ugyanugy kotelezo lenne hasznalni.
Assassin's Creed 3 3200
Far Cry 3 (+the lost expeditions dlc) 3400Steam lista
//Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (gift) 1200
Bioshock 900
Bioshock 2 900
Bioshock 1+2 (2 kod) 1500
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1400
Brink Complete 1500
Company of Heroes GOLD (CoH+CoHpposing Fronts) 900
Civilization 4 Complete (alap+3kieg) 900
Cryostasis 940
Darksiders 700
Darksiders 2 2800
Deadlight 1000
Disciples 3: Renaissance Steam Special Edition 900
Disciples 3: Resurrection 900
/Dishonored 3500 - januar vege
Duke Nukem Forever 900
Duke Nukem Forever Collection (osszes dlc) 1400
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind 1000
Fallout 3 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1400
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto 1400
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (gift) 1000
Homefront 940
//Hunted: The Demon's Forge 1000
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire 1100
Krater Collector's Edition 1500
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift) 1000
Mark of the Ninja 800
Prototype 940
Red Faction: Armageddon 900
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc) 800
Saints Row the Third 1400
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 2 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 3 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 4 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Classics Pack 5 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics 1+2+3+4+5 (50 jatek) 3000
Sleeping Dogs kod/gift 1900/2200
Spec Ops: The Line 1400
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl 650
Supreme Commander + Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, strategia 700
The Darkness 2 1200
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek) 900
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut 900
Toy Soldiers, strategia, 700
Trine2: The Goblin Menace DLC (gift) 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 800
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 + Chaos Rising (kulon kodok) 1300
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution 1300Kisebb jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 300
Cave Story+ platformajtek 300
Ceville, kalandjatek 500
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
DOTA 2, extra itemek nelkul 200ft
Eschalon: Book I, rpg 300
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 600
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 500
Kings bounty: The Legend, rpg+strategia 500
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Metro 2033, fps 300
Men of war, strategia 300
Men of war: red tide, strategia 300
Nexuiz 450
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 300
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Red Faction: Guerilla,fps 400
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, strategia+akcio 300
Rogue Warrior 500
Shank 2, platformjatek 500
Snapshot, platformjatek 300
Star wolves 3, strategia+rpg 800
Titan Quest, hack&slash 200
Titan Quest Gold, (TQ+Immortal Throne kieg.), hack&slash 500
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb dlc, platformjatek 500
Trine, platformjatek 300
Two Worlds Epic Edition, akcio+rpg 500
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War GOTY 300 -
Hali. Érdekelne egy ár az FC3-ra és a Hitmanre, ha steamesek.
hitman elfogyott
Megerkezett par uj jatek, es a bethesda pakk maradvanya (dishonored, hunted, fallout, ilyesmi)
Sleeping Dogs leesett 2000 forintra.
saints row 2, worms reloaded elfogyott, hitman-bol utolso darab van soron.
Mentek privik.
Köszi a játékokat!
payday, space marine, tq gold elkelt
csendes tag
Ment PÜ!
Egy árlistát kérhetek?
mentek privik
Assassins Creed 3
Bioshock 2
Bioshock 1+2 (2 kod)
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc)
/Brink Complete - januar vege
Company of Heroes GOLD (alap+Opposing Fronts)
Civilization 4 Complete (alap+3kieg)
Darksiders 2
Disciples 3: Renaissance Steam Special Edition
Disciples 3: Resurrection
/Dishonored - januar vege
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever Collection (osszes dlc)
/Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind - januar vege
/Fallout 3 GOTY (osszes dlc) - januar vege
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition
Far Cry 3
Hitman: Absolution
/Hunted: The Demon's Forge - januar vege
Jagged Alliance: Back in Action
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire
Krater Collector's Edition
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC
Payday: The Heist
Red Faction: Armageddon
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc)
Rogue Warrior
Saints Row the Third
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack (10 jatek)
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 2 (10 jatek)
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 3 (10 jatek)
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 4 (10 jatek)
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Classics Pack 5 (10 jatek)
Sega Mega Drive Classics 1+2+3+4+5 (50 jatek)
Serious Sam 3 BFE
Sleeping Dogs
Spec Ops: The Line
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl
The Darkness 2
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek)
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 GOLD (alap+chaos rising)
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution + Last Stand Alone DLC Complete + Chapter Pack Bundle + Tau Commander & All Campaign Wargear & TLS Wargear
Warhammer 40000: Space Marine
Worms ReloadedKisebb jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia
Cave Story+ platformajtek
Ceville, kalandjatek
DOTA 2, extra itemek nelkul
Eschalon: Book I, rpg
Fantasy wars, strategia
Kings bounty: The Legend, rpg+strategia
Metro 2033, fps
Men of war, strategia
Men of war: red tide, strategia
Necrovision + necrovision: lost company, fps
Offspring Fling, platformjatek
Red Faction: Guerilla,fps
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, strategia+akcio
Saints Row 2
Shank 2, platformjatek
Snapshot, platformjatek
Star wolves 3, strategia+rpg
Supreme Commander, strategia
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, strategia
Titan Quest, hack&slash
//Titan Quest Gold, (TQ+Immortal Throne kieg.), hack&slash
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb dlc, platformjatek
Two Worlds Epic Edition, akcio+rpg
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War GOTY
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