Archív – Steam napi/heti/Autumn Sale, BraveNW 1500,Batman 3000, SR4 3e,Blacklist 2e, Payday2 2200, egyebek

maross (nagyúr) – 21 éve regisztrált
396 pozitív értékelés
2013-01-21 11:10 11 éve
Budapest csak személyes átvétel

1 000 Ft

Állapot: használt
Szándék: kínál

Archivált hirdetés

Oszi szel: frissulget a kommentekben, az utolso 2-3 komment aktualis

Napi/Heti Deal - amig tart az akcio a steamen

- hianyolsz valami preordert, vagy nemreg megjelent jatekot? priviben megkerdezheted, ide sajnos nem fer ki minden
- frissites legutolso kommentben - ha hianyolsz valami napi akciot, privi
- az elozo par napi akciobol is lehet hogy még maradt, erdeklodni lehet
- barmi mas kellene, erdeklodhetsz vagy kerhetsz teljes listat privatban

Par egyeb jatek (giftek) - folytatasa az #57-ben:
Assetto Corsa 4800
Castlevania, akciojatek 2400
How to survive, tulelo akcio-rpg 1400
Magic 2014, multiplayer kartya 1200 - utolso
Metro Last Light, fps 2200
Metro Last Light: Chronicles Pack DLC, 900
Outlast, akciojatek 1300 - ha ismet akcioban lesz (dec3)
Payday 2, multiplayer fps 2200
Resident Evil 5, akciojatek 700
Shadow Warrior, fps 2800
The Walking Dead Season 2 3500

AC4 (uplay, special edition, de jo esellyel deluxe aktivalodik) 5300
Batman: Arkham Origins 3000
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 800
Dirt 3 800
Hitman Absolution 1000
Saints Row 4 3000
Sleeping Dogs 800
Sniper Elite V2 800
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Deluxe uplay 2000
Thief +1 ajandek jatek (deus ex, dirt3, sleeping dogs, hitman abs, sniper lite v2) 4500
Tomb Raider 1600

...tobb nem fer ide, kerdezz :)

Új hozzászólás

  • maross


    Mostanaban megjelent jatekok

    Battlefield 3 (eu, standard edition, ORIGIN), fps 2500
    Bioshock Infinite + Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (a bioshock kulcsok kesve erkeznek) 3000
    Sanctum 2, multiplayer-tower defense-fps 1200
    Splinter Cell: Blacklist Deluxe Edition (uplay), ajandek SC:Conviction-nel, akciojatek 5000
    Tomb Raider, akcio 2200
    Napi/Heti Deal

    Steam lista

    Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition, horror-kaland 600
    Blood Bowl Legendary Edition, sport-akcio-strategia 600
    Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
    Cities in Motion 2, strategia, sim city klon, 1200
    Civilization 3 Complete (gift), strategia 400
    Civilization 4 Complete Edition, strategia 800
    Civilization 5 Gold (Civ5 GOTY+Gods&Kings), strategia, 2200
    Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, strategia 1200
    Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, strategia 800
    Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (Tiberium Wars szukseges hozza), strategia 800
    Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars + Kane's Wrath 1500
    Command & Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight, strategia 1200
    Dirt Showdown, rally 1000
    Costume Quest + Psychonauts + Stacking kaland-rpg-logikai jatekok 700
    Counter Strike + CS: Condition Zero 1000
    Counter Strike Complete(cs,zero,source,go) multiplayer-fps, 2000
    Drakensang, rpg 800
    Fallout 3: GOTY, rpg 1300
    Fallout 3: New Vegas Ultimate Edition, rpg 1500
    Fallout Collection, rpg 600
    Disciples 3: Resurrection, strategia, heroes-klon 600
    Disciples 3: Renaissance, strategia, heroes-klon 600
    Disciples 3: Resurrection + Renaissance 1000
    Forge (gift), multiplayer fantasy lovoldozos 600
    Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD, uros lovoldozos, strategia 700
    Haunted: Hells Reach, fps 1000
    Hitman Absolution/Professional 1400/1900
    Hotline Miami, akcio, 500
    Inversion, akcio 500
    Men of War: Vietnam - Special Edition, 500
    Off-Road Drive, autoszimulator 800
    Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum, vidampark szimulator 1300
    Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package, akcio 1000
    Sleeping Dogs, akcio 1300
    Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops, akcio 500
    Sonic Generations + Casino Nights DLC, ugyessegi-platform-akcio 1200
    Telltale Games: Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures (4jatek) + Back to the Future: The Game (5jatek) + Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (5jatek) + Hector: Badge of Carnage (3jatek) + Puzzle Agent 1 + Puzzle Agent 2 + Poker Night at the Inventory 1200
    The Testament of Sherlock Holmes, nyomozos 1300
    The Walking Dead, (mind az ot epizod) kalandjatek 1400
    Torchlight + Vessel + Rochard + S.P.A.Z. + Shatter 1000
    Trainz Simulator 2012 + Aerotrain DLC + Coronation Scot DLC, vonatszimulator 600
    //Trine 2: Complete Story, platform-akcio-kaland-rpg 600
    Tropico 4 Collectors Bundle, strategia-szimulacio 1100
    //Unreal Deal Pack, fps 1800

    Kisebb Steam jatekok

    AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity, akcio 300
    Adventures of Shuggy, logikai-platformjatek 200
    Air Conflicts Pacific Carriers, akcio-repuloszimulator 500
    Air Forte, matematika, foldrajz es szokincsismereti jatek, angol 200
    Alien Hallway, tower defense 200
    //Alien Shooter Revisited, felulnezetes lovoldozos 200
    A New Beginning - Final Cut, kalandjatek 300
    Aquanox + Aquanox 2: Revelation, akcio 400
    Aquaria, platformjatek 300
    Atom Zombie Smasher, tower-defense tipusu arkad 300
    Aura:Fate of Ages, kalandjatek 300
    Avencast: Rise of the Mage, rpg-akcio 300
    Awesomenauts, platform-akcio 300
    Aztaka, akcio-rpg platformjatek 200
    Beat Hazard Ultra, akcio-repulos 300
    //Bit.Trip Runner + Wizorb + Gratuitous Space Battles (+multiplayer key) + Jamestown 800
    Brazen Prototype, multiplayer-akcio 200
    Capsized, platform-akcio 300
    Cargo Commander, platform-akcio 300
    Ceville, kalandjatek 400
    Crash Time 2, autos-uldozos 300
    //Crayon Physics Deluxe, logikai-ugyessegi-rajzolos 300
    Crayon Physics Deluxe + VVVVVV + Hammerfight + And Yet it Moves, platform-logikai-akciojatekok 800
    Crusader Kings Complete, strategia 500
    Darwinia + Multiwinia, strategia-akcio 200
    Dead Hungry Diner, arkad 300
    Dear Esther, kalandjatek 300
    Death to Spies: Moment of Truth, fps 300
    Death Track Resurrection, autos-lovoldozos 200
    Defcon, strategia 200
    Defenders of Ardania, tower defense 300
    Defense Grid, tower defense 400
    Demigod, strategia 300
    Dino D-Day, fps 400
    Dracula: Origin, kalandjatek 400
    Dream Pinball 3D, flipper 500
    Droplitz, logikai 300
    Dungeon Hearts, ritmus-arkad 200
    Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 400
    Dynamite Jack, platformjatek 200
    Earth 2160, strategia 300
    Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, point&click kalandjatek 300
    English Country Tune, absztrakt 3d-logikai 200
    Eschalon: Book II, rpg 200
    eXceed + eXceed 2nd + eXceed 3rd, arkad-lovoldozos 500
    Fairy Bloom Freesia, manga platform-akcio 200
    Fantasy wars, strategia 200
    Field Runners, tower defense 300
    Fireburst, arkad-autos 300
    Flotilla, uros lovoldozos-kereskedos 200
    Fractal, arkad 300
    Galactic Arms Race, uros lovoldozos 200
    Galactic Civilizations 1: Ultimate Edition, urstrategia 200
    Game of Dwarves, strategia, sim, rpg 300
    Gatling Gears, lovoldozos akcio 300
    Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, strategia 300
    Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts, rpg-strategia 300
    Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, korokre osztott rpg-strategia 300
    Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts + Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, rpg-strategia 500
    Gumboy - Crazy Adventures, platformjatek 300
    Hearts of Iron 3, strategia 200
    Hydrophobia, akciojatek 300
    iBomber: Defense, tower defense 300
    Imperium Romanum Gold Edition 300
    Indie Game: The Movie, film 200
    Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 500
    Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 200
    Intrusion 2, platform-akcio 300
    Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 400
    Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 500
    Iron Grip, tower defense-fps 300
    Jolly Rover, point&click kalandjatek 300
    Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death, akcio 400
    Just Cause, akcio 400
    The Journey Down: Chapter One, point and click kalandjatek 300
    Karateka, verekedos 300
    Kings bounty: The Legend, korokre osztott rpg 300
    Kung Fu Strike - The Warrior's Rise, akcio-verekedos 300
    Larva Mortus, felulnezetes lovoldozos 300
    Legendary, fps 300
    Little Inferno, arkad 300
    Lucid, arkad-logikai 300
    Madballs in Babo: Invasion +dlc, lovoldozos 300
    Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
    McPixel, "erdekes jatek" 300
    Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack, 5dlc 200
    Miner Wars Arena, tankos-lovoldozos 200
    //NecroVision, fps 300
    //NecroVision: Lost Company, fps 300
    Nikopol: Secret of the Immortals, horror-kaland 400
    Nightsky, logikai platformjatek 200
    Noitu Love 2: Devolution, akcio-platformjatek 300
    Nuclear Dawn, multiplayer taktikai fps 300
    Numen: Contest of Heroes, akcio-rpg 300
    Oil Rush, strategia 400
    Off-Road Drive, terepautos 400
    Organ Trail, retro-rpg 200
    Pacific Storm, vilaghaborus szimulator-akcio 300
    Pacific Storm Allies, vilaghaborus szimulator-akcio 400
    Pacific Storm + Pacific Storm Allies 600
    Painkiller Black Edition, fps 400
    Painkiller Overdose, fps 300
    Painkiller Redemption, fps 300
    Painkiller: Recurring Evil, fps 500
    Painkiller Black Edition + Overdose + Redemption + Recurring Evil, 4 kulon kulcs, 1200
    Party of Sin, platform kalandjatek, trine-klon 300
    Patrician 4 Steam Special Edition, strategia 500
    Penguins Arena: Sedna's World, multiplayer-fps 300
    Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3, retro-rpg 100
    Pirates of Black Cove, strategia 300
    Planets under Attack, logikai 300
    Plain Sight, multiplayer-arkad 300
    Post Mortem, horror-kalandjatek 400
    Primordia, kalandjatek 200
    Real Warfare 1242, strategia 300
    Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades, strategia 500
    Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak a dlc) 100
    Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, fps 300
    Reign: Conflict of Nations, strategia 300
    Rip Trilogy, lovoldozos 300
    Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, strategia-akcio 300
    Sacraboar, strategia 300
    Section 8, akcio 300
    Shadowgrounds, third person shooter 200
    Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 200
    Shadowgrounds + Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 300
    Shank 2, akcio-platform 300
    Shattered Horizon, multiplayer-fps 300
    Sherlock Holmes and The Hound of the Baskervilles, hidden object-kalandjatek 400
    Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
    Sherlock Holmes - The Awakened (Remastered Edition), nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
    Sherlock Holmes - The Mystery of the Mummy, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
    Sherlock Holmes - The Mystery of the Persian Carpet, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
    Sherlock Holmes - The Silver Earring, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
    Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper, nyomozos-kalndjatek 600
    Slam Bolt Scrappers, platform-akcio 300
    Snapshot, platform-logikai 300
    Snuggle truck, arkad-ugyessegi 300
    Solar 2, ugyessegi 200
    Sonic the Hedgehog, platformjatek 300
    Sonic the Hedgehog 2, platformjatek 300
    Sonic 3 and Knuckles, platformjatek 300
    Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode 1, platformjatek 400
    Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode 2, platformjatek 400
    Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode 1 + Episode 2, platformjatek 700
    Sonic 3D Blast, platformjatek 300
    Sonic CD, platformjatek 300
    Sonic Spinball, flipper 300
    Sonic Adventure DX, platformjatek 500
    Space Pirates and Zombies, strategia-akcio
    Space Trader: Merchant Marine, fps 200
    Space Chem, logikai 300
    Splice, logikai 200
    Star Ruler, urstrategia, 300
    Star Wolves 2, urstrategia 200
    Stealth Bastard Deluxe, platformjatek 400
    Still Life, horror-kalandjatek 400
    Still Life 2, horror-kalandjatek 400
    Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery EP akcio-kaland 200
    Sword of the Stars: Complete Collection, urstrategia 300
    Syberia, kalandjatek 300
    Thomas Was Alone, platform-ugyessegi 200
    Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers, platform 200
    Tropico Reloaded, (Tropico1+dlc+Tropico 2) strategia 400
    Two Worlds 2 - Castle Defense, strategia - tower defense 500
    Uplink, hacker-logikai 200
    Vegas: Make it Big, epitkezos simcity-klon 300
    Vertex Dispenser, absztrakt-strategia 200
    Vessel, platformjatek 300
    Vigil: Blood Bitterness, absztrakt horror kaland 300
    Waking Mars, platform-kaland-akcio 400
    Warlock: Master of the Arcane, strategia, civilization-klon 500
    Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space, uros akcio-strategia 300
    X-Blades, fantasy-anime-akcio 500
    Zeno Clash, akciojatek 400
    Zombie Pirates, konnyed strategia 300
    Zombie Driver HD + ZD HD: Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack 500
    Zombie Driver HD Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack DLC 300
    Zombie Shooter, felulnezetes lovoldozos 200
    Zombie Shooter 2, felulneztes lovoldozos 300


    Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ugyanugy internetrol telepitheto a vasarolt jatek, mint steam eseteben.

    Az Electronic Arts kliense, pl a Crysis 3 mar csak ezen keresztul futtathato

    Dragon Age Origins + Awakening + 9DLC, rpg 1900
    Mass Effect 2, rpg 400


    A Desura foleg kisebb indie jatekokra specializalodott kliens.

    Desura Start akcio: osszes itt lathato desuras jatek egyben (kb 15-20db) 900ft

    Adventure Apes and the Mayan Mystery, retro kalandjatek 100
    Battle Group, arkad-lovoldozos 100
    Bloody trapland, platformjatek 100
    Chester, platformjatek 100
    Constant-C, platformjatek 200
    Doom and Destiny, rpg 100
    Eleusis, kalandjatek 100
    Fairy Bloom Freesia, manga platform-akcio 100
    Fibrillation, fps-horror kalandjatek 100
    Gimbal, multiplayer-urhajos 100
    Holy Avatar vs Maidens of Dead, rpg
    Kill Fun Yeah, retro-multiplayer-lovoldozos 100
    Miner Warfare, multiplayer-platformjatek 100
    Oniken, platformjatek 100
    Paranautical Activity, fps 100
    Radical Roach, arkad 100
    Survivor Squad, akcio-strategia 100
    Talisman Prologue, tablas fantasy-kocka-kartyajatek atultetese pc-re 100
    Woodle Tree, platformjatek 100
    Zombusters, lovoldozos 100

    eladó 100+ új/használt társasjátékom:

Új hozzászólás
