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Arduino MEGAPAKK (2db mikrokontroller!) (ha egyben viszed -25% kedvezmény)
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eladó az alábbi pakk:Ultimate Starter Kit For Arduino UNO R3 1602 LCD Servo Motor Relay RTC GG0740 lásd tartalom 1. hozzászólás
1db Ardunio Uno (Made in Italy)2000DHT22 hőmérséklet sensor
matrix billlentyűzet 400
bluetooth modul 1600
mikrofon 300
HC-BR04 UHangos távolságmérő sensor 300
20db M-M jumperkábel 1000
20db F-M jumperkábel 1000
200db 220 ohmos ellenállás 1000
200db változó méretű ohmos ellenállás 1000
2 db breadbord 1000
led tester 1000
nodemcu v3 (wifis) 3000
300db különböző színű led 3000
összesen 16600-25%=12450 +1200 vaterafutár házig előre utalva
kormoskandur #1 üzenetére
Az uno mennyi lenne?
Ultimate Starter Kit For Arduino UNO R3 1602 LCD Servo Motor Relay RTC GG0740
* Arduino UNO R3 Component Basic Element Pack, helps you to get the basic skills of Arduino.
* This product is a clone of the original Arduino board , compatible with Arduino
* You'll learn by building several creative projects.
* Starting the basics of electronics, to complex projects, the kit will help you to understand the physical world with sensor and actuators
* Great For Arduino Starters and Beginners
Operating Voltage:5V
Input Voltage (recommended):7-12V
Input Voltage (limits):6-20V
Digital I/O Pins:14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins:6
DC Current per I/O Pin:40 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin:50 mA
Flash Memory:32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
SRAM:2 KB (ATmega328)
EEPROM:1 KB (ATmega328)
Clock Speed:16 MHz
Kit list:
1 x Arduino UNO R3 board
1 x Mini breadboard + Development Expension Broad
1 x 830 points breadboard
1 x SMD components box
15 x LED red yellow green(each 5pcs)
8 x 220 omh Resistors
5 x 1K omh Resistors
5 x 10K omh Resistors
1 x Active Buzzer
1 x Passive Buzzer
4 x Yellow Push Bottons
2 x digital tube
1 x 8x8 DOT MATRIX
2 x Switches
3 x photoresistor
1 x adjustable resistor
1 x Flame sensor
1 x Infrared receiver
1 x LM35 temperature sensor
1 x 74HC595
1 x IR mini remote control(Button battery installed)
1 x 1602 LCD module
1 x 5V stepper motor + ULN2003 driver board
1 x SG90 9G servo
30 x jumper wires
1 x USB cable
1 x storage box
Package contents:
1* Starter Kit For Arduino
Note: The real color of the item may be slightly different from the pictures shown on website caused by many factors such as brightness of your monitor and light brightness
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