Archív –
Roidmi 2S Bluetooth V4.2 Transmitter Car Charger
Archivált hirdetés
Eladó a fent emlitett Roidmi 2S.
kb. 2 éve a kocsiban a dashcamhoz és zene hallgatásra használtam.
Tökéletesen működik.
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Main Features
Gocomma Roidmi 2S international version Bluetooth V4.2 Car charger
Bluetooth hands-free call makes a safer driving
Intelligent connection, wireless transmit call and music from Bluetooth phone to the car FM stereo system
Charge faster with a powerful chip
Fully upgraded APP, perfectly support Android and iOS system, monitor battery voltage, inquiry traffic violation
Provide a more comfortable environment for the background noise reduction
Can scan empty radio station
Support microphone function
Compatible with iOS and Android devices
Download the App "Roidmi" in Google Play / App Store
Model number: BFQ02RM
Output current: 2.4A ( single USB port ), 3.8A ( two USB ports )
With the quality of original xiaomi
Szia írtam üzenetet.
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