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STEAM játékok töredék árakon (Telltale játékok kaphatók! AC Origins uplay kulcs)
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Néhány steam-ről eltűnt Telltale játék nálam még elérhető! (pl. Walking Dead, stb.)
Teljes lista ITT
Szoftver kulcs
VEGAS Pro 14 + Vintage Effects - 4500 Ft
Játékfejlesztő szoftverek (Steam):
AGFPRO v3 + Zombie Survival Pack + Zombie FPS - 800 Ft
GameGuru - 300 Ft
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Standard + HTML5 - 990 Ft
Game Character Hub: PE + 2 DLC - 400 Ft
RPG Maker XP - 300 Ft
RPG Maker VX Ace + Time Fantasy Monsters - 800 Ft
Assassin's Creed Origins - 2990 Ft
WiiU kulcs:
Affordable Space Adventures - 300 Ft
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse - 300 Ft
HITMAN: The Complete First Season - 2990 Ft
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders - 600
American Truck Simulator - 1200
Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 - 600
Alan Wake Franchise - 1500
Pillars of Eternity - 1500
Tyranny - 1500
Remember Me - 990
Bounty Train - 700
Syberia 1 + 2 - 800
Syberia 3 - 1990
Homeworld Remastered Collection - 1200
Kingdom Come: Deliverance - 2990
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition - 990
The Evil Within Bundle - 2990
Resident Evil 4 - 990
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (alap + DLC) - 1400
Resident Evil Revelations - 990
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered - 400
Agony - 990
LOST PLANET 3 Complete Pack - 990
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition - 1200
EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 + összes DLC - 1500
Cities in Motion 2 - 300
Wurm Unlimited - 500
Midnight Mysteries Coll. + Witches of Abraham - 990 (A teljes Midnight M. kollekció)
Mighty No. 9 - 990
The Real Texas - 400
Smoke and Sacrifice - 800
Kathy Rain - 400
The Final Station - 500
The Sexy Brutale - 800
Tomb Raider - 800
Kelvin and the Infamous Machine - 400
Dandara - 500
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell - 990
Portal Knights - 990
Cat Quest - 800
Folyt.: 1-3. hsz.
csendes tag
Steam-en már nem kapható játékok, de kulccsal aktiválhatók. Akit érdekel valamelyik, de eddig nem szerezte be, annak talán egy utolsó lehetőség...
Deadpool - 4990 Ft
NBA Playgrounds - 990 Ft
Race Driver: GRID - 990 Ft
GRID 2 - 1200 Ft
Back to the Future: The Game (TellTale Game) - 1200 Ft
Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series - 1500 Ft
Jurassic Park: The Game (TellTale Game) - 1500 Ft
The Walking Dead: Season 1 + 400 Days DLC (TellTale Game) - 1800 Ft
The Last Remnant - 990 Ft
Operation Flashpoint: Red River - 990 Ft
Ace Combat Assault Horizon - Enhanced Edition - 990 Ft
Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown - 990 Ft
Train Simulator 2016 - 500 Ft
XIII – Lost Identity (a hires kepregeny FPS elozmenye kalandjatek kontosben) - 600 Ft
Rescue - Everyday Heroes - 990 Ft
Scratches - Director's Cut - 700 FtA lista legvégén több is található.
csendes tag
Day of the Tentacle - Remastered - 990 Ft
Grim Fandango Remastered - 800 Ft
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure 300 Ft
Batman: Arkham Origins - 800 Ft
Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition - 990 Ft
STAR WARS - Knights of the Old Republic - 500 Ft
Dragon Age: Origins - 400 Ft
Divinity: Dragon Commander - 800 Ft
Scribblenauts Unlimited - 600 Ft
Worms Clan Wars - 800 Ft
King's Bounty Platinum (The Legend, Crossworlds, Armored Princess) - 990 Ft
Magicka + Vietnam DLC + Dungeons and Daemons DLC - 500
Magicka + The Other Side of the Coin - 300
Magicka 2 - 800
Europa Universalis III Complete - 400 Ft
Crusader Kings II + The Old Gods DLC - 800 Ft
Endless Space - Collection - 300 Ft
Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity - 400 Ft
Stronghold Crusader 2 - 600 Ft
Layers of Fear - 800 Ft
SOMA - 800 Ft
Deadlight: Director's Cut - 300 Ft
Shadow Complex Remastered - 600 Ft
A Story About My Uncle - 500 Ft
Savage Lands - 500 Ft
Rapture Rejects - 990 Ft
Road Redemption - 1200 Ft
Outlast - 990 Ft
Kholat - 500 Ft
Metrico+ - 600 Ft
Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition - 500 Ft
Party Hard - 600 Ft
FarSky - 300 Ft
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered - 800 Ft
Ticket to Ride + USA 1910 DLC + Europe DLC - 800 Ft
World of Goo - 700 Ft
Super Meat Boy - 600 Ft
Surgeon Simulator - 400 Ft
FEZ - 300 Ft
Contagion - 300 Ft
Ice Lakes - 400 Ft -
csendes tag
The Escapists: Complete Pack (alap + 4 DLC) - 1200 Ft
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky - 800 Ft
Sniper Elite - 400 Ft
Sniper Elite V2 - 1200 Ft
Styx: Master of Shadows - 990 Ft
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide - 600 Ft
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Collector's Edition - 2800 Ft
Space Hulk Ascension - 500 Ft
Project CARS - 990 Ft
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition - 990 Ft
F1 Racestars + Season Pass - 800 Ft
Motorsport Manager - 1800 Ft
Killing Floor - 400 Ft
Killing Floor 2 - 1500 Ft
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut (mindharom resz egyben) - 990 Ft
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm - 700 Ft
Verdun - 990 Ft
Insurgency - 400 Ft
Battle Academy - 600 Ft
Sudden Strike 4 - 1990 Ft
Bully: Scholarship Edition - 990 Ft
Grand Theft Auto III - 700 Ft
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - 700 Ft
Manhunt - 300 Ft
Max Payne 3 Rockstar Pass (az alapjatek nelkul) - 700 Ft
Mad Max - 990 Ft
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-Mars-tered - 700 Ft
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 + LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 - 1500
LEGO Batman + LEGO Batman 2 DC Super Heroes - 1500
LEGO Worlds - 1990 Ft
Surviving Mars - 1990 Ft
Risen - 500 Ft
Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition - 600 Ft
Risen 3 - Complete Edition - 800 Ft
Homefront - 500 Ft
Sniper: Ghost Warrior Trilogy - 700 Ft
Enemy Front + Multiplayer Map Pack DLC - 800 Ft
Renegade Ops Collection - 990 Ft
Sacred 3 Gold - 500 Ft
Sacred Franchise Pack (Sacred 2 Gold+Sacred 3 Gold+Sacred Citadel+DLC) - 2500 Ft
RiME - 800 Ft
Fontos tudnod!
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- Hibákat, észrevételeket itt jelezhetsz!
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