Archív – Watch Dogs Del. + SP 2000, War Thunder 10k g. 6000, Batman Arkham Knight 6000, Black Flag Gold 2500

maross (nagyúr) – 21 éve regisztrált
396 pozitív értékelés
2014-09-12 08:24 10 éve
Budapest csak személyes átvétel

1 000 Ft

Állapot: használt
Szándék: kínál

Archivált hirdetés

Teljes listat privatban kerhetsz.

UJ!! 2-3-4 pack bontas, egy-ket darab erejeig, feltetelekrol erdeklodni priviben !!!

max. 154 karakter

Minden jatekhoz oda van irva, hogy mennyit kellene utalnod, megkapod erte a jatekot + korlatlan ideig levasarolhatod a fennmarado osszeget. Legkozelebb ha kell valami es fedezi a fennmarado osszeg, csak szolsz es adom, ha nem fedezi teljesen, akkor eleg atkuldened a hianyzo reszt.

Contagion, multiplayer-fps 500 (5000 utalas, 4500 levasarolhato)
Forced, hack&slash-rpg 500 (4000 utalas, 3500 levasarolhato)
Rise of the Triad 4pack bontassal 500 (4000 utalas, 3500 levasarolhato)
Speed Runners, multiplayer-platformjatek 500 (3500 utalas, 3000 levasarolhato)

Assassins Creed Black Flag 1400
Assassins Creed Black Flag Deluxe 1600
Assassins Creed Black Flag Season Pass 800
Assassins Creed Black Flag Deluxe+Season Pass 2200
Assassins Creed Black Flag Gold 2500
Batman Arkham Knight 6000
Habitat, szim 1400
War Thunder 10.000 golden eagle (egy accounton csak egyszer hasznalhato) 6500
Watch Dogs Deluxe (UPLAY) 1500
Watch Dogs Season Pass (UPLAY) 800
WD Deluxe+Season Pass (UPLAY) 2000

Teljes lista priviben kerheto.

Új hozzászólás

  • maross


    Egy hosszabb lista:

    Alien + Crew Expendable DLC + Last Survivor DLC 6000 - folyamatosan elfogy, erdeklodj
    Banner Saga 2000
    Borderlands: Pre-Sequel 7500 - folyamatosan elfogy, erdeklodj
    Murdered: Soul Suspect 1800
    Sniper Elite 3 3000
    Star Citizen Mustang Omega Variant 5000 - folyamatosan elfogy, erdeklodj
    Watch Dogs (Uplay) 3000

    2-3-4 jatekot tartalmazo packek bontasa

    Jatekok meg tovabb joarasitva: Minden jatekhoz oda van irva, hogy mennyit kellene utalnod, megkapod erte a jatekot + korlatlan ideig levasarolhatod a fennmarado osszeget, tetszoleges darabszamu jatekra (ujabb pack bontast kiveve).
    Miert kell tobbet utalnod, minek ez a macera? 1) Mert a packek tobb jatekot tartalmaznak, es ha nem kerem el a teljes osszeget ertuk elore, a gyakorlat azt mutatja hogy egyesek hajlamosak nem visszaadni a plusz peldanyokat. 2) Mivel a fennmarado reszt is nalam vasarolod le, az igy eladott jatekokat ar alatt oda tudom adni.

    7 Days to Die, tuleloszim 2000 (5000 utalas, 3000 levasarolhato)
    Forced, hack&slash-rpg 600 (4500 utalas, 3900 levasarolhato)
    Gas Guzzlers Extreme, autos lovoldozos 600 (5400 utalas, 4800 levasarolhato)
    Payday 2, multiplayer-akciojatek 1000 (7000 utalas, 6000 levasarolhato)
    Rise of the Triad 4pack bontassal 600 (3600-at kell utalnod, 3000 levasarolhato a kesobbiekben)
    Space Hulk, taktikai rpg 800 (2600 utalas, 1800 levasarolhato)
    Speed Runners, 4pack bontassal 500 (3500-ot kell utalnod, 3000 levasarolhato a kesobbiekben)
    Strike Vector, multiplayer akciojatek 600 (5500 utalas, 4800 levasarolhato)
    Verdun, fps 700 (5000 utalas, 4300 levasarolhato)

    Mostanaban megjeleno/megjelent/early access jatekok

    Hianyolsz egy UJ jatekot ami nemregiben jelent meg/nemsokara jelenik meg/early access steamen? Kerdezz priviben, es mondok egy arat ra.

    7 Days to Die, tuleloszim 3000
    Alien Isolation + Crew Expendable DLC + Last Survivor DLC, akciojatek 6000
    Alien Isolation - Crew Expendable, DLC 1000
    Alien Isolation - Last Survivor, DLC 1000
    Alien Isolation - Season Pass, DLC 5500
    Battle World: Kronos, korokre osztott strategia 3000
    Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, nem elorendeloi verzio, 7500 - utolso darabok
    Clockwork Empires, szim 4400
    Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault, elorendeloi verzio, strategia 5800
    Craft the World, sandbox-epitos 3200
    Dead State, korokre osztott rpg 4400
    Deathtrap, rpg 3600
    Divinity: Original Sin, rpg 5600
    Door Kickers, taktikai akciojatek 3800
    Endless Legend Classic/Founder Pack, korokre osztott strategia 5000/6800
    Faeverse Alchemy, arkad 1000
    Fight The Dragon, rpg 2500
    Gabriel Knight, kalandjatek 3800
    F1 2014, szim 7500
    Fable Anniversary, kaland-akciojatek 4200
    Final Fantasy 13, kalandjatek-rpg 3000
    Grim Dawn, rpg-akcio 4500
    Habitat, szim 1600
    Hand of Fate, rpg-akciojatek 4200
    Invisible Inc., taktikai lovoldozos 3200
    Infectonator: Survivors, arkad 2000
    Jagged Alliance Flashback, taktikai lovoldozos 2800
    Landmark - Settler/Trailblazer Pack, mmo 2000/6000
    Life is Feudal: Your Own, 7000
    Lichdom: Battlemage, rpg-akciojatek 6200
    Kerbal Space Program, szim 2800
    Meridian: New World Normal/Contributor, strategia 3000/4500
    Metal Slug X, platformjatek 800
    Metro 2033 Redux, fps 3300
    Metro: Last Light Redux, fps 3600
    Metro Redux Bundle, fps 6600
    Natural Selection 2: Combat, multiplayer-fps
    Outland, platformjatek 2400
    Neverending Nightmares, horror-kalandjatek 2800
    Pinball FX2 - South Park Pinball, flipper, 2 asztal 1200
    Pinball FX2 - barmelyik asztal az aktualis steames ar 80%-aert
    Plague Inc., szim 3000
    Plantary Annihilation, strategia 3000
    Raven's Cry, rpg-akciojatek 7500
    Risen 3, rpg-akciojatek 6600
    Rust, tulelo-akcio-szimulator 3400
    Sacred 3, hack&slash 4500
    Shadows: Heretic Kingdom, rpg 4200
    Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition, akciojatek 2600
    Speed Runners, multiplayer-platform-verseny 1000
    Star Citizen Mustang Omega AMD Variant Racer, multiplayer-szim 5000
    Stronghold Crusader 2 Standard/Special Edition, strategia 7500/8700
    Theme Park Studio, szim 4400
    The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, ugyessegi-akciojatek 2200
    The Forest, tuleloszim 2800
    The Legend of Korra, kaland-akciojatek 3000
    The Long Dark, kalandjatek 3800
    The Red Solstice, akcio-rpg 2000
    The Stomping Land, tuleloszim 4200
    The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, kalandjatek 3800
    TransOcean - The Shipping Company, szim 4200
    Ziggurat, rpg 2500

    Steam/Origin/Uplay lista

    Abyss Odyssey, akciojatek 1900
    Age of Empires 2 HD: The Forgotten, DLC 1200
    Age of Empires 2 HD + The Forgotten Expansion, strategia 1600
    Age of Empires 3 Complete Collection, strategia 2000
    Age of Empires Legacy Bundle, strategia 2500
    Age of Wonders 3, strategia 3800
    A Game of Dwarves Gold Edition, (3 dlc-vel) strategia 500
    Alien Rage - Unlimited, akciojatek 800
    Arcania + Gothic Pack, rpg-k 2500
    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Deluxe, akciojatek 1500
    Assassin's Creed Revelations Gold, akciojatek 1500
    Assassin's Creed 3 Deluxe, akciojatek 2000
    Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry, akciojatek 1500
    A-Train 8, szim 800
    Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition, rpg 1800
    Banished, strategia-szim 3200
    Banner Saga, korokre osztott strategia-rpg 2300
    Batham: Arkham Asylum GOTY, akciojatek 1300
    Batman: Arkham Origins, akciojatek 1500
    Batman: Arkham Origins - Season Pass, DLC 1300
    Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - Deluxe Edition, akciojatek 1300
    Betrayer, akciojatek 800
    Bioshock Infinite, akciojatek 1400
    Bioshock Infinite + Season Pass, fps 3200
    Bioshock Triple Pack, fpsek 2000
    Borderlands 2 GOTY, fps 2500
    Bulletstorm, akciojatek 1300
    Castlestorm Complete Edition, tower defense 1200
    Chivalry Complete, akciojatek 1500
    Civilization 5: Brave New World, DLC 1200
    Civilization 5: Complete Edition, strategia 3500
    Company of Heroes 2, strategia 2000
    Company of Heroes 2 - Digital Collector's Edition, strategia 3500
    Company of Heroes 2 - Digital Collector's Edition UPGRADE, DLC 1800
    Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies, DLC 2500
    Contagion, akciojatek 1300
    Contrast, kalandjatek 1000
    Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, akciojatek 800
    Darksiders Franchise, akciojatekok 1700
    Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars, multiplayer-strategia 600
    Dead Island Collection, akciojatek 1500
    Deponia: The Complete Journey, kalandjatekok 2000
    Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut, rpg-akciojatek 1200
    Deus Ex: The Fall, rpg-akciojatek 1200
    Devil May Cry 4, akciojatek 900
    Dino D-Day, multiplayer fps 800
    Dirt 3, rally 1500
    Dishonored GOTY, rpg-akciojatek 2500
    Don't Starve, akcio-rpg 1300
    Reign of Giants, DLC 900
    Don't Starve + Reign of Giants DLC, akcio-rpg 1800
    Doom 4 BETA, wolfenstein nem szukseges hozza, 600
    Doom 3: BFG Edition, fpsek 1500
    Dungeons Steam Special Edition Pack, (2 dlcvel) strategia 500
    Empire: Total War Collection, 1600
    Europa Universalis IV Extreme Edition, strategia 2000
    Euro Truck Simulator 2 Gold, szim 2000
    Euro Truck Simulator 2 Collector's Bundle, 2700
    Expeditions: Conquistador, korokre osztott strategia-rpg 1500
    Fallout Classic Collection, rpg 1300
    Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition, rpg 1600
    Flatout Complete Pack, autoverseny (ha megvan valamelyik resz, aktivalas utan megkapod giftkent) 1600
    Far Cry 3 Deluxe, akciojatek 3000
    Football Manager 2013 (steames, de mar nincs ra link) szim 1500
    Forced, hack&slash-rpg 1300
    Frozen Hearth Normal/Gold, rpg 500/800
    Game of Thrones Special Edition, akciojatek 1200
    Gothic Universe Edition, rpg-k 1000
    Half-Life Complete, fpsek 1800
    Halo: Spartan Assault, akciojatek 600
    Insurgency, fps 1800
    Jagged Alliance Collectors Bundle, korokre osztott lovoldozos 1500
    Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition, akciojatek 1800
    Killing Floor Bundle, multiplayer fps 1900
    King Arthur 2, strategia 600
    Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Collection, rpg-akciojatek 2400
    L.A.Noire Complete, nyomozos-kalandjatek 1200
    Lego Batman, akciojatek 1000
    Lego Batman 2, akciojatek 1000
    Lego Harry Potter 1-4, akciojatek 1200
    Lego Harry Potter 5-7, akciojatek 1200
    Lego Hobbit, akciojatek 1500
    Lego Lord of the Rings 1200
    Lego Marvel Super Heroes, akciojatek 1300
    Lego Videogame, akciojatek 1500
    Lords of Football Standard/Royal Edition, szim 1200/1600
    Lost Planet 3, akciojatek 1800
    Majesty Collection, 2700
    Magic 2015 Normal/Special/Complete, kartyajatek 2200/4200/5400
    Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death, akciojatek 500
    Medal of Honor (ORIGIN), fps 500
    Memoria, kalandjatek 1300
    Metro Last Light Complete, akciojatek 1500
    Might & Magic X - Legacy, rpg 2600
    Medal of Honor: Airborne, fps 900
    Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection (MK1-2-3, steames), verekedos 800
    Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition, verekedos 1300
    Mount and Blade: Complete, multiplayer-akciojatek 1800
    Napoleon: Total War, strategia 900
    Naruto Shippuuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst, verekedos 2600
    NFS: Hot Pursuit, autoverseny 1300
    NFS: Shift, autoverseny 1300
    NFS: Shift 2 Unleashed, autoverseny 1300
    NFS: Undercover, autoverseny 1300
    Of Orcs and Men, akciojatek-rpg 1500
    Omerta: City of Gangsters, rpg-akciojatek 800
    Painkiller Hell and Damnation Collector's Edition, fps 1500
    Payday 2, multiplayer-akciojatek 2000
    Payday 2: Armored Transport, DLC 800
    Payday 2: Hotline Miami, DLC 1400
    Payday 2: Gage Assault Pack, DLC 700
    Payday 2: Gage Mod Courier, DLC 700
    Payday 2: Gage Shotgun Pack, DLC 700
    Payday 2: Gage Sniper Pack, DLC 700
    Payday 2: Gage Weapon Pack #01, DLC 700
    Payday 2: Gage Weapon Pack #02, DLC 700
    Payday 2: The Big Bank Heist, DLC 1000
    Pendulo Adventure Pack, kalandjatekok 2200
    Port Royale 3 Gold + Patrician 4 Gold, strategiak 1000
    RAGE, fps 1200
    RAGE + The Scorchers DLC, 1500
    Ravensword: Shadowlands, rpg-akciojatek 500
    Real World Racing, autoverseny 700
    Real World Racing Bundle, autoverseny 1000
    Red Faction Collection, akciojatekok 1500
    Resident Evil 4 (HD), horror-akciojatek 2600
    Resident Evil 5, horror-akciojatek 2000
    Resident Evil 6, horror-akciojatek 2000
    Resident Evil Revelations, horror-akciojatek 2000
    Rise of Flight: Channel Battles Edition + Furious Wings DLC + Legendary Bombers, repuloszimulator 1500
    Rise of the Triad, fps 1000
    Rise of Nations, strategia 3000
    Rise of Venice Standard/Gold, strategia 1500/2300
    Risen Collection, rpg-akciojatek 1400
    Rising Storm GOTY, fps 1500
    Saints Row 4 - Game of the Century Edition, akciojatek 1900
    Saints Row Ultimate Franchise Pack, akciojatekok 2600
    Serious Sam Complete Pack, fps 1900
    Shadow Warrior, fps 1500
    Shootmania Storm, multiplayer-fps 2500
    Sid Meier's Ace Patrol + Sid Meier's Pacific Skies 900
    Sine Mora, arkad-lovoldozos 500
    Sins of Solar Empire: Rebellion, urstrategia 1700
    Skyrim Legendary Edition, rpg-akciojatek 2500
    Sniper Elite 3: Season Pass, DLC 4700
    Sniper Ghost Warrior Trilogy, akciojatek 2000
    Space Hulk, taktikai rpg 1800
    Spore Complete Pack, szim 1800
    Spintires, szim 3800
    Starcraft + Brood War (, strategia 1500
    Starpoint Gemini 2, rpg-szim 4400
    State of Decay, akciojatek 1500
    Stronghold Complete Pack, strategia 1500
    Supreme Commander Gold Edition, strategia 1000
    The Amazing Spider-Man, akciojatek 1200
    The Book of Unwritten Tales Collection, kalandjatekok 1400
    The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav, kalandjatek 1000
    The Guild II Collection, strategia 1300
    The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Complete, hack&slash 1200
    The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2, hack&slash 1800
    The Walking Dead Season 1, kalandjatek 1500
    The Walking Dead Season 2, kalandjatek 2400
    The Wolf Among Us, kalandjatek 2400
    Thief 2014, akcio-rpg 2500
    Titan Quest Gold, hack&slash 1000
    Tomb Raider, akciojatek 1200
    Tomb Raider GOTY, akciojatek 1800
    Tomb Raider Collection, akciojatekok 3000
    Torchlight 2, hack&slash 1200
    Total War: Shogun 2, strategia 1500
    Total War: Shogun 2 Collection, strategia 2700
    Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai Collection, shogun 2 NEM szukseges hozza, strategia 2000
    Trackmania Celebrat10n Complete Pack, autoverseny 3300
    Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, akciojatek 1500
    Vampire: The Masquarade - Bloodlines, akciojatek 1000
    Van Helsing Complete Pack, hack&slash 1800
    Van Helsing II Complete Pack, hack&slash 2600
    Victoria Collection, strategia 1600
    Walking Dead: Survival Instinct, akciojatek 1800
    Wargame Airland Battle, strategia 1200
    Winter Voices Complete Pack, kalandjatek 1000
    Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition, rpg-akciojatek 1000
    WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship, rally 2200


    Heroes of Newerth 3050 Gold (50$ erteku, 1 accounton csak egy hasznalhato) 1700
    Warface 5200 Kredit (50$ erteku) 4200

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