Archív –
Steam napi/heti/Autumn Sale, BraveNW 1500,Batman 3000, SR4 3e,Blacklist 2e, Payday2 2200, egyebek
1 000 Ft
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Archivált hirdetés
Oszi szel: frissulget a kommentekben, az utolso 2-3 komment aktualis
Napi/Heti Deal - amig tart az akcio a steamen
- hianyolsz valami preordert, vagy nemreg megjelent jatekot? priviben megkerdezheted, ide sajnos nem fer ki minden
- frissites legutolso kommentben - ha hianyolsz valami napi akciot, privi
- az elozo par napi akciobol is lehet hogy még maradt, erdeklodni lehet
- barmi mas kellene, erdeklodhetsz vagy kerhetsz teljes listat privatban
Par egyeb jatek (giftek) - folytatasa az #57-ben:
Assetto Corsa 4800
Castlevania, akciojatek 2400
How to survive, tulelo akcio-rpg 1400
Magic 2014, multiplayer kartya 1200 - utolso
Metro Last Light, fps 2200
Metro Last Light: Chronicles Pack DLC, 900
Outlast, akciojatek 1300 - ha ismet akcioban lesz (dec3)
Payday 2, multiplayer fps 2200
Resident Evil 5, akciojatek 700
Shadow Warrior, fps 2800
The Walking Dead Season 2 3500
AC4 (uplay, special edition, de jo esellyel deluxe aktivalodik) 5300
Batman: Arkham Origins 3000
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 800
Dirt 3 800
Hitman Absolution 1000
Saints Row 4 3000
Sleeping Dogs 800
Sniper Elite V2 800
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Deluxe uplay 2000
Thief +1 ajandek jatek (deus ex, dirt3, sleeping dogs, hitman abs, sniper lite v2) 4500
Tomb Raider 1600
...tobb nem fer ide, kerdezz :)
maross további hirdetései
16 000 FtXVIII. kerület
Új hozzászólás
Csak most hetfon: Far Cry 3 + Lost Expeditions DLC (UPLAY), tobb darab van belole, de még ma be kell aktivalni. Ha kell, dobj egy privit. 1000ft.
metro last light 2200, akcio erejeig. utana visszaall 2800-ra.
narutot elirtam, 5300.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst, verekedos 4300
sr3 full package 1200
Saints Row 4 5000
Mount & Blade Collection 1700
Fantasy wars, strategia 300
Monaco, taktikai jatek 1000
Risen 2 Gold Edition, rpg 1200
Risen Collection, rpg 1700
Sanctum 2, towerdefense-fps, 800
Sanctum 2 4pack, towerdefense-fps, 2400
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2, 1100
Spellforce Platinum, strategia 600
Spellforce Complete, strategia 1900
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav, kalandjatek 1000 -
dead island GOTY 1000
dead island riptide 1900 -
Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe 1400
Mass Effect 1 + Mass Effect 2 Digital Deluxe 1900 -
Mass Effect 2 1000
Mass Effect 2 (ORIGIN) 300
Sir, You Are Being Hunted 1900 -
sniper ghost warrior 2 1100
gone home 1800 -
strike suit zero 1100
deadpool 3500
csendes tag
Ment PÜ!
L -
javitasa az elozonek, ofkoz goty verzio ertendo mindketton:
Batman AA GOTY 1000
Batman AC GOTY 1200
Egyutt: 2000 -
Fallen Enchantress, strategia 1200
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes, strategia 1500 -
MotoGP 13, motorverseny 2700
Batman AA 1000
Batman AC 1200
Egyutt: 2000 -
Goodbye Deponia elovasarloi (ajandek chaos on deponiat tartalmaz) 2200
Metro Last Light: Chronicles Pack DLC, 900 -
scribblenauts unlimited: 1000
Ace Combat Assault 1200
Terraria 4pack 1500 -
Dust: An Elysian Tail 1000
Terraria 500 -
dead rising 2 complete 1500
devil may cry 3 + devil may cry 4 1200ft
resident evil 6 1600
resident evil 6 complete 2000 -
sniper elite v2 1200
resident evil 5 900
Devil May Cry 1900 -
Dead Rising 2/Complete, akciojatek 1800/2600
Resident Evil 6/Complete, akciojatek 3000/3800 -
Crysis Maximum Edition, fps 1100
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, fps 700
Crysis Collection, fps 1700 -
Ace of Spades: Battle Builder, akciojatek 700
Divinity: Dragon Commander/Imperial Edition 2500/3000
StarDrive, 1600
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition, verekedos 1100
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition complete Pack, verekedos 2000 -
ac3 2200
ac3 season pass 2000
omerta 1500 -
3dmark 1500ft
Magic 2014 — Duels of the Planeswalkers 1100
Half-Life Complete 1500
Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, rpg 1000
Final Fantasy VII, rpg 1300
Mirror's Edge, akciojatek 300 (kulcs)Mas:
Alien Rage - Unlimited, akciojatek 3000
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, kaland-akcio-horror 3200
Call of Duty: Ghosts, akciojatek 7500
Shadow Warrior, fps 3900
Takedown: Red Sabre, akciojatek 2000
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Thaumaturge DLC, 800ft
X-Com: Enemy Within, korokre osztott strategia, X-Com: Enemy Unknown szukseges hozza, 4000 -
Bit Trip Runner Franchise Pack, ugyessegi 1100
Kinetic Void, szimulacio 1400
Mars: War Logs, akciojatek 1400
Reus, istenszimulator 1200
Warlock: Master of the Arcane, strategia, civilization-klon 400 (kulcs) -
dead island 1000ft
dead island riptide 1900ft -
Splinter Cell: Blacklist 5400
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Deluxe 5800Splinter Cell: Blacklist Deluxe (uplay, kulcs) 4500
Street fighter X Tekken, verekedos 1600
Street fighter X Tekken Complete Pack, verekedos 2600 -
Dead Island Riptide 1900ft
castle storm 1300
egyeb nemnapi, amit feltettem mostanaban, mind gift:
Alien Rage - Unlimited, akciojatek 2500
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, kaland-akcio-horror 3200
Castlevania, akciojatek 4300
Day One: Garry's Incident, akcio-kaland-tulelojatek 2500
Europa Universalis 4 Extreme Edition , strategia 6000
Godus, istenszimulator 3200
Magic 2014, multiplayer kartya 2000
Might and Magic X - Legacy Deluxe Edition, rpg 4500
Outlast, akciojatek 3500
Payday 2, multiplayer fps 3500
Payday 2 - four pack, multiplayer fps 13000
Prime World Defenders, tower defense 1200
Rayman Legends, akcio-platform 4000
Shadow Warrior, fps 4000
State of Decay (controller ajanlott az early access jatekhoz), akciojatek-rpg 3200
Takedown: Red Sabre, akciojatek 2400
The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief, kalandjatek 3000
Total War: Rome 2, strategia 7800
X-Rebirth, akcio-urszimulator 6500 -
Dead Space 2, akciojatek 800
Hitman Absolution/Professional Edition 1200/1500 <-kod
Hitman Collection (4jatek), akciojatek 2000
Kings bounty: The Legend, korokre osztott rpg, heroes klon 300 <-kod
Kings bounty: Armored Princess, korokre osztott rpg, heroes klon 300 <-kod
Kings bounty: The Legend + Kings bounty: Armored Princess 500 <-kod
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition, rpg 800
The Night of the Rabbit, kalandjatek 1400 -
Pinball FX2 5 darab valasztott 1 euros tabla, 1000
Pinball FX2 2 darab valasztott 3.3 euros tabla, 1500 -
HSZ hogy tudjam figyelni ezeket a remek akciókat...
maicucc, hetvegicucc
Age of Empires 3 Complete 3000
Company of Heroes 2 5400
Street Fighter x Tekken 1500
Street Fighter x Tekken +12 karakter 1500
Street Fighter x Tekken Complete 2600 -
Age of Empires III Complete Collection, strategia 2000
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, strategia 800
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising, strategia 300 (kulcs)
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, strategia 700
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (Tiberium Wars szukseges hozza), strategia 400
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars + Kane's Wrath 1000
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight, strategia 1100 -
Ment a pü.
Weeklong deals a hetre
The Book of Unwritten Tales, kalandjatek 1000
The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles, kalandjatek 1000
The Book of Unwritten Tales Collection (mindket resz+digitalis extrak) , kalandjatek 1800 -
napinincs, shadow warrior 4000ft van
napi: nazi zombie army, 700ft.
napideal: sanctum 2 1100ft.
sot, most latom van itt még:
The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC 500
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes 1400
The Fallen Enchantress 2100 -
napi: The Walking Dead, 1100ft, ajanlott
napi idill: Metro: Last Light 2800ft.
senior tag
Crysis 3 van esetleg? FC3 sima?
Mostanaban megjelent jatekok
Battlefield 3 (eu, standard edition, ORIGIN), fps 2500
Bioshock Infinite + Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (a bioshock kulcsok kesve erkeznek) 3000
Sanctum 2, multiplayer-tower defense-fps 1200
Splinter Cell: Blacklist Deluxe Edition (uplay), ajandek SConviction-nel, akciojatek 5000
Tomb Raider, akcio 2200
Napi/Heti DealSteam lista
Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition, horror-kaland 600
Blood Bowl Legendary Edition, sport-akcio-strategia 600
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Cities in Motion 2, strategia, sim city klon, 1200
Civilization 3 Complete (gift), strategia 400
Civilization 4 Complete Edition, strategia 800
Civilization 5 Gold (Civ5 GOTY+Gods&Kings), strategia, 2200
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3, strategia 1200
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, strategia 800
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath (Tiberium Wars szukseges hozza), strategia 800
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars + Kane's Wrath 1500
Command & Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight, strategia 1200
Dirt Showdown, rally 1000
Costume Quest + Psychonauts + Stacking kaland-rpg-logikai jatekok 700
Counter Strike + CS: Condition Zero 1000
Counter Strike Complete(cs,zero,source,go) multiplayer-fps, 2000
Drakensang, rpg 800
Fallout 3: GOTY, rpg 1300
Fallout 3: New Vegas Ultimate Edition, rpg 1500
Fallout Collection, rpg 600
Disciples 3: Resurrection, strategia, heroes-klon 600
Disciples 3: Renaissance, strategia, heroes-klon 600
Disciples 3: Resurrection + Renaissance 1000
Forge (gift), multiplayer fantasy lovoldozos 600
Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD, uros lovoldozos, strategia 700
Haunted: Hells Reach, fps 1000
Hitman Absolution/Professional 1400/1900
Hotline Miami, akcio, 500
Inversion, akcio 500
Men of War: Vietnam - Special Edition, 500
Off-Road Drive, autoszimulator 800
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum, vidampark szimulator 1300
Saints Row: The Third - The Full Package, akcio 1000
Sleeping Dogs, akcio 1300
Shadow Harvest: Phantom Ops, akcio 500
Sonic Generations + Casino Nights DLC, ugyessegi-platform-akcio 1200
Telltale Games: Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures (4jatek) + Back to the Future: The Game (5jatek) + Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (5jatek) + Hector: Badge of Carnage (3jatek) + Puzzle Agent 1 + Puzzle Agent 2 + Poker Night at the Inventory 1200
The Testament of Sherlock Holmes, nyomozos 1300
The Walking Dead, (mind az ot epizod) kalandjatek 1400
Torchlight + Vessel + Rochard + S.P.A.Z. + Shatter 1000
Trainz Simulator 2012 + Aerotrain DLC + Coronation Scot DLC, vonatszimulator 600
//Trine 2: Complete Story, platform-akcio-kaland-rpg 600
Tropico 4 Collectors Bundle, strategia-szimulacio 1100
//Unreal Deal Pack, fps 1800Kisebb Steam jatekok
AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity, akcio 300
Adventures of Shuggy, logikai-platformjatek 200
Air Conflicts Pacific Carriers, akcio-repuloszimulator 500
Air Forte, matematika, foldrajz es szokincsismereti jatek, angol 200
Alien Hallway, tower defense 200
//Alien Shooter Revisited, felulnezetes lovoldozos 200
A New Beginning - Final Cut, kalandjatek 300
Aquanox + Aquanox 2: Revelation, akcio 400
Aquaria, platformjatek 300
Atom Zombie Smasher, tower-defense tipusu arkad 300
Auraate of Ages, kalandjatek 300
Avencast: Rise of the Mage, rpg-akcio 300
Awesomenauts, platform-akcio 300
Aztaka, akcio-rpg platformjatek 200
Beat Hazard Ultra, akcio-repulos 300
//Bit.Trip Runner + Wizorb + Gratuitous Space Battles (+multiplayer key) + Jamestown 800
Brazen Prototype, multiplayer-akcio 200
Capsized, platform-akcio 300
Cargo Commander, platform-akcio 300
Ceville, kalandjatek 400
Crash Time 2, autos-uldozos 300
//Crayon Physics Deluxe, logikai-ugyessegi-rajzolos 300
Crayon Physics Deluxe + VVVVVV + Hammerfight + And Yet it Moves, platform-logikai-akciojatekok 800
Crusader Kings Complete, strategia 500
Darwinia + Multiwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Dead Hungry Diner, arkad 300
Dear Esther, kalandjatek 300
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth, fps 300
Death Track Resurrection, autos-lovoldozos 200
Defcon, strategia 200
Defenders of Ardania, tower defense 300
Defense Grid, tower defense 400
Demigod, strategia 300
Dino D-Day, fps 400
Dracula: Origin, kalandjatek 400
Dream Pinball 3D, flipper 500
Droplitz, logikai 300
Dungeon Hearts, ritmus-arkad 200
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 400
Dynamite Jack, platformjatek 200
Earth 2160, strategia 300
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, point&click kalandjatek 300
English Country Tune, absztrakt 3d-logikai 200
Eschalon: Book II, rpg 200
eXceed + eXceed 2nd + eXceed 3rd, arkad-lovoldozos 500
Fairy Bloom Freesia, manga platform-akcio 200
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Field Runners, tower defense 300
Fireburst, arkad-autos 300
Flotilla, uros lovoldozos-kereskedos 200
Fractal, arkad 300
Galactic Arms Race, uros lovoldozos 200
Galactic Civilizations 1: Ultimate Edition, urstrategia 200
Game of Dwarves, strategia, sim, rpg 300
Gatling Gears, lovoldozos akcio 300
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, strategia 300
Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts, rpg-strategia 300
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, korokre osztott rpg-strategia 300
Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts + Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, rpg-strategia 500
Gumboy - Crazy Adventures, platformjatek 300
Hearts of Iron 3, strategia 200
Hydrophobia, akciojatek 300
iBomber: Defense, tower defense 300
Imperium Romanum Gold Edition 300
Indie Game: The Movie, film 200
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 500
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 200
Intrusion 2, platform-akcio 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 400
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 500
Iron Grip, tower defense-fps 300
Jolly Rover, point&click kalandjatek 300
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death, akcio 400
Just Cause, akcio 400
The Journey Down: Chapter One, point and click kalandjatek 300
Karateka, verekedos 300
Kings bounty: The Legend, korokre osztott rpg 300
Kung Fu Strike - The Warrior's Rise, akcio-verekedos 300
Larva Mortus, felulnezetes lovoldozos 300
Legendary, fps 300
Little Inferno, arkad 300
Lucid, arkad-logikai 300
Madballs in Babo: Invasion +dlc, lovoldozos 300
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
McPixel, "erdekes jatek" 300
Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack, 5dlc 200
Miner Wars Arena, tankos-lovoldozos 200
//NecroVision, fps 300
//NecroVision: Lost Company, fps 300
Nikopol: Secret of the Immortals, horror-kaland 400
Nightsky, logikai platformjatek 200
Noitu Love 2: Devolution, akcio-platformjatek 300
Nuclear Dawn, multiplayer taktikai fps 300
Numen: Contest of Heroes, akcio-rpg 300
Oil Rush, strategia 400
Off-Road Drive, terepautos 400
Organ Trail, retro-rpg 200
Pacific Storm, vilaghaborus szimulator-akcio 300
Pacific Storm Allies, vilaghaborus szimulator-akcio 400
Pacific Storm + Pacific Storm Allies 600
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 400
Painkiller Overdose, fps 300
Painkiller Redemption, fps 300
Painkiller: Recurring Evil, fps 500
Painkiller Black Edition + Overdose + Redemption + Recurring Evil, 4 kulon kulcs, 1200
Party of Sin, platform kalandjatek, trine-klon 300
Patrician 4 Steam Special Edition, strategia 500
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World, multiplayer-fps 300
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3, retro-rpg 100
Pirates of Black Cove, strategia 300
Planets under Attack, logikai 300
Plain Sight, multiplayer-arkad 300
Post Mortem, horror-kalandjatek 400
Primordia, kalandjatek 200
Real Warfare 1242, strategia 300
Real Warfare 2: Northern Crusades, strategia 500
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak a dlc) 100
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, fps 300
Reign: Conflict of Nations, strategia 300
Rip Trilogy, lovoldozos 300
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, strategia-akcio 300
Sacraboar, strategia 300
Section 8, akcio 300
Shadowgrounds, third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds + Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 300
Shank 2, akcio-platform 300
Shattered Horizon, multiplayer-fps 300
Sherlock Holmes and The Hound of the Baskervilles, hidden object-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes - The Awakened (Remastered Edition), nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes - The Mystery of the Mummy, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes - The Mystery of the Persian Carpet, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes - The Silver Earring, nyomozos-kalandjatek 400
Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper, nyomozos-kalndjatek 600
Slam Bolt Scrappers, platform-akcio 300
Snapshot, platform-logikai 300
Snuggle truck, arkad-ugyessegi 300
Solar 2, ugyessegi 200
Sonic the Hedgehog, platformjatek 300
Sonic the Hedgehog 2, platformjatek 300
Sonic 3 and Knuckles, platformjatek 300
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode 1, platformjatek 400
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode 2, platformjatek 400
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode 1 + Episode 2, platformjatek 700
Sonic 3D Blast, platformjatek 300
Sonic CD, platformjatek 300
Sonic Spinball, flipper 300
Sonic Adventure DX, platformjatek 500
Space Pirates and Zombies, strategia-akcio
Space Trader: Merchant Marine, fps 200
Space Chem, logikai 300
Splice, logikai 200
Star Ruler, urstrategia, 300
Star Wolves 2, urstrategia 200
Stealth Bastard Deluxe, platformjatek 400
Still Life, horror-kalandjatek 400
Still Life 2, horror-kalandjatek 400
Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery EP akcio-kaland 200
Sword of the Stars: Complete Collection, urstrategia 300
Syberia, kalandjatek 300
Thomas Was Alone, platform-ugyessegi 200
Tiny and Big in Grandpa's Leftovers, platform 200
Tropico Reloaded, (Tropico1+dlc+Tropico 2) strategia 400
Two Worlds 2 - Castle Defense, strategia - tower defense 500
Uplink, hacker-logikai 200
Vegas: Make it Big, epitkezos simcity-klon 300
Vertex Dispenser, absztrakt-strategia 200
Vessel, platformjatek 300
Vigil: Blood Bitterness, absztrakt horror kaland 300
Waking Mars, platform-kaland-akcio 400
Warlock: Master of the Arcane, strategia, civilization-klon 500
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space, uros akcio-strategia 300
X-Blades, fantasy-anime-akcio 500
Zeno Clash, akciojatek 400
Zombie Pirates, konnyed strategia 300
Zombie Driver HD + ZD HD: Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack 500
Zombie Driver HD Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack DLC 300
Zombie Shooter, felulnezetes lovoldozos 200
Zombie Shooter 2, felulneztes lovoldozos 300Uplay
Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ugyanugy internetrol telepitheto a vasarolt jatek, mint steam eseteben.
OriginAz Electronic Arts kliense, pl a Crysis 3 mar csak ezen keresztul futtathato
Dragon Age Origins + Awakening + 9DLC, rpg 1900
Mass Effect 2, rpg 400Desura
A Desura foleg kisebb indie jatekokra specializalodott kliens.
Desura Start akcio: osszes itt lathato desuras jatek egyben (kb 15-20db) 900ft
Adventure Apes and the Mayan Mystery, retro kalandjatek 100
Battle Group, arkad-lovoldozos 100
Bloody trapland, platformjatek 100
Chester, platformjatek 100
Constant-C, platformjatek 200
Doom and Destiny, rpg 100
Eleusis, kalandjatek 100
Fairy Bloom Freesia, manga platform-akcio 100
Fibrillation, fps-horror kalandjatek 100
Gimbal, multiplayer-urhajos 100
Holy Avatar vs Maidens of Dead, rpg
Kill Fun Yeah, retro-multiplayer-lovoldozos 100
Miner Warfare, multiplayer-platformjatek 100
Oniken, platformjatek 100
Paranautical Activity, fps 100
Radical Roach, arkad 100
Survivor Squad, akcio-strategia 100
Talisman Prologue, tablas fantasy-kocka-kartyajatek atultetese pc-re 100
Woodle Tree, platformjatek 100
Zombusters, lovoldozos 100 -
friss lista. a //-rel jelolt jatekok perpill foglalas alatt. gyakran valtozik, irj ha kellene valami, koszi!
Mostanaban megjelent jatekok
Bioshock Infinite 3500
Crysis 3 - Hunter Edition (origin) 2800
Metro: Last Light 5500
Tomb Raider 2800
Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (Far Cry 3 nem szukseges) 500Tomb Raider + Bioshock Infinite + Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (3 kulon kulcs) 6300
Crysis 3 - Hunter Edition (origin) + Bioshock Infinite + Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (3 kulon kulcs) 6300Steam lista
Back to the Future: The Game, point and click kalandjatek 900
Borderlands 2, fps 2500
Civilization 3 Complete (gift), strategia 400
Civilization 4 Complete, strategia 800
Civilization 5 GOLD, strategia 2500
//Cryostasis, fps 500
Dead Island GOTY, fps 1500
Europa Universalis 3 Chronicles, strategia 500
Forge (gift), multiplayer fantasy lovoldozos 800
Hitman Absolution/Professional Edition 1800/2300
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire, rpg-strategia 700
Killing Floor Bundle (11dlc), multiplayer-fps 900
King Arthur I+II +5dlc +kieg , strategia 900
//Lucius, horror-kaland 600
Men of War: Vietnam - Special Edition, 700
Orcs Must Die 2 Complete Pack, akcio-tower defense, 1200
Penumbra Black Plague Gold Edition + Penumbra Overdrive , horror-kaland 1300
Sim City 4 Deluxe Edition (Sim City 4 + Rush hour), 900
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army, multiplayer-fps 1400
Two Worlds 2, akcio-rpg 800
Two Worlds 2 - Castle Defense, strategia - tower defense 500
//Unreal Deal Pack (5 jatek), fps 2000
Warlock: Master of the Arcane, strategia, civilization-klon 600
X-Blades, fantasy-anime-akcio 500
X-Com: Enemy Unknown, korokre osztott strategia 2500Kisebb Steam jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 200
Adventures of Shaggy, logikai-platformjatek 200
AirBuccaneers, kooperativ multiplayer jatek 200
Air Forte, matematika, foldrajz es szokincsismereti jatek, angol 300
//Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
//Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
//Alien Breed 2: Assault + Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 500
Alien Hallway, tower defense 200
Alien Shooter Revisited, felulnezetes lovoldozos 200
Atom Zombie Smasher, tower-defense tipusu arkad 300
Aztaka, akcio-rpg platformjatek 200
Beat Hazard Ultra, akcio-repulos 300
Burn Zombie Burn!, akcio 300
Cargo Commander, platform akcio 400
Ceville, kalandjatek 400
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Crash Time 2, autos-uldozos 300
//Crazy Machines, logikai 300
//Crazy Machines 1.5, logikai 300
//Crazy Machines + Crazy Machines 1.5, logikai 500
Crayon Physics Deluxe, logikai-ugyessegi-rajzolos 300
Darwinia + Multiwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Dawn of War GOTY, strategia 300
Death Track Resurrection, autos-lovoldozos 200
Defcon, strategia 200
Defenders of Ardania, tower defense 300
Demigod, strategia 300
Deponia, kalandjatek 400
Droplitz, logikai 300
Dungeon Hearts, ritmus-arkad 200
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 500
Dynamite Jack, platformjatek 200
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, kalandjatek 300
Earth 2160, strategia 300
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Complete Pack, lovoldozos 300
Eschalon: Book II, rpg 200
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
//Fireburst, arkad-autos 300
Flotilla, uros lovoldozos-kereskedos 200
Galactic Arms Race, uros lovoldozos 300
Galactic Civilizations 1: Ultimate Edition, urstrategia 200
Game of Dwarves, strategia, sim, rpg 300
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, strategia 300
//Greed: Black Border, akcio 300
Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts, rpg-strategia 300
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, korokre osztott rpg-strategia 300
Hearts of Iron 3, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 300
iBomber: Defense, tower defense 300
iBomber: Defense Pacific, tower defense 300
iBomber Attack + Defense + Defense Pacific 600
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 500
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
//Ion Assault, arkad-lovoldozos 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 400
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 500
Iron Grip, tower defense-fps 300
Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire, korokre osztott taktikai lovoldozos 300
Jolly Rover, point&click kalandjatek 300
The Journey Down: Chapter One, point and click kalandjatek 300
Larva Mortus, felulnezetes lovoldozos 300
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack, 5dlc 200
Miner Wars Arena, tankos-lovoldozos 200
Miner Wars 2081, uros-lovoldozos 300
Nightsky, logikai platformjatek 200
Nuclear Dawn, strategia-fps 300
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 200
Pacific Storm, vilaghaborus szimulator-akcio 300
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 400
Party of Sin, platform kalandjatek, trine-klon 300
//Penguins Arena: Sedna's World, multiplayer-fps 300
Planets under Attack, logikai 300
Plain Sight, multiplayer-arkad 300
Post Mortem, horror-kalandjatek 400
//Primal Fears, akcio 400
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak a dlc) 100
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, fps 300
//Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad GOTY, fps 300
Rip Trilogy, lovoldozos 300 //Roogoo, logikai 300
//Rogue Warrior, fps 400
Scratches: Director's Cut, horror-kaland 400
Shadowgrounds, third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds + Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 300
Shank 2, akcio-platform 300
Shattered Horizon, multiplayer-fps 300
Solar 2, ugyessegi 200
Space Trader: Merchant Marine, fps 200
//Spellforce: Platinum Edition 500
Splice, logikai 200
Star Wolves 3: Civil War, urstrategia 400
Still Life, horror-kalandjatek 400
Still Life 2, horror-kalandjatek 400
Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery EP akcio-kaland 200
Titan Quest, rpg hack&slash 300
Toy Soldiers, strategia-akcio 300
Uplink, hacker-logikai 200
Vegas: Make it Big, epitkezos simcity-klon 300
Vertex Dispenser, absztrakt-strategia 200
Victoria 2, strategia, 19. szazad 300
Vigil: Blood Bitterness, absztrakt horror kaland 300
Zombie Pirates, konnyed strategia 300
Zombie Driver HD, autos lovoldozos 300
Zombie Driver HD Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack 300
Zombie Driver HD + ZD HD: Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack 500
Zombie Shooter, felulnezetes lovoldozos 200
Zombie Shooter 2, felulneztes lovoldozos 300Uplay
Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ugyanugy internetrol telepitheto a jatek mint steam eseteben. Az AC3 es a FC3 steames verzioi is egybol az uplayt inditjak, megkerulhetetlen.
Assassins Creed 3 2400
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) 1800
Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (Far Cry 3 nem szukseges) 500
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) + Far Cry: Blood Dragon 2200Origin
Az Electronic Arts kliense, pl a Crysis 3 mar csak ezen keresztul futtathato
Dragon Age 2, rpg 1400
Dragon Age Origins + Awakening + 9DLC, rpg 2000
Mass Effect 2, rpg 500
Mass Effect 3, rpg 2000Desura
A Desura foleg kisebb indie jatekokra specializalodott kliens.
Adventure Apes and the Mayan Mystery, retro kalandjatek 100
Battle Group, arkad-lovoldozos 100
Fibrillation, fps-horror kalandjatek 100
Gimbal, multiplayer-urhajos 100
Kill Fun Yeah, retro-multiplayer-lovoldozos 100
Talisman Prologue, tablas fantasy-kocka-kartyajatek atultetese pc-re 100 -
törölt tag
Mostanaban megjeleno/megjelent jatekok
Crysis 3 - Hunter Edition (origin) 3500
Metro: Last Light 5500
Tomb Raider 3500
Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (Far Cry 3 nem szukseges, elorendeles, majus 1) 800Tomb Raider + Bioshock Infinite + Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (3 kulon kulcs) 7500
Crysis 3 - Hunter Edition (origin) + Bioshock Infinite + Far Cry: Blood Dragon (uplay) (3 kulon kulcs) 7500Steam lista
Borderlands 2, fps 2500
Civilization 3 Complete (gift), strategia 500
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (gift), taktikai-fps 1000
Europa Universalis 3 Chronicles, strategia 700
Hard Reset Extended Edition, fps 500
Hitman Absolution 2000
Killing Floor Bundle (11dlc), multiplayer-fps 900
King Arthur I+II +5dlc +kieg , strategia 900
Kings Bounty: Platinum Edition, 3 jatek, korokre osztott strategia, heroes klon 1000
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North, korokre osztott strategia, heroes klon 1000
Krater Collector's Edition, hack & slash 1000
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift), rpg 900
Penumbra Black Plague Gold + Penumbra Overture horror-kaland 1300
Men of War: Vietnam - Special Edition, 700
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army, multiplayer-fps 1500
Two Worlds 2, akcio-rpg 900
Two Worlds 2 - Castle Defense, strategia - tower defense 500
//Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2, strategia 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution + All Wargear DLC + Last Stand Complete + Complete Chapter Pack + Tau Commander, strategia 1900
Warlock: Master of the Arcane, strategia, civilization-klon 900
X-Blades, fantasy-anime-akcio 500Kisebb Steam jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 200
Adventures of Shaggy, logikai-platformjatek 200
AirBuccaneers, kooperativ multiplayer jatek 200
Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
Aztaka, akcio-rpg platformjatek 300
Bastion hack&slash 600
Beat Hazard + Ultra dlc, akcio-repulos 300
Ceville, kalandjatek 400
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Crash Time 2, autos-uldozos
Crazy Machines, logikai 300
Crazy Machines 1.5, logikai 300
Crazy Machines + Crazy Machines 1.5, logikai 500
Crayon Physics Deluxe, logikai-ugyessegi-rajzolos 300
Cryostasis, fps 500
Darwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Dawn of War GOTY, strategia 300
Defcon, strategia 300
Defenders of Ardania, tower defense 300
Demigod, strategia 300
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
//DLC Quest, platformjatek 200
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 500
Dynamite Jack, platformjatek 200
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, kalandjatek 300
Earth 2160, strategia 300
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Complete Pack, lovoldozos 300
Eschalon: Book II, rpg 200
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Fireburst, arkad-autos 300
Galactic Civilizations 1: Ultimate Edition, urstrategia 300
Game of Dwarves, strategia, sim, rpg 300
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, strategia 300
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes, korokre osztott rpg-strategia 300
Hearts of Iron 3, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 300
iBomber: Defense, tower defense 300
iBomber: Defense Pacific, tower defense 300
iBomber Attack + Defense + Defense Pacific 600
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 500
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
Ion Assault, arkad-lovoldozos 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 400
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 500
Iron Grip, tower defense-fps 300
Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire, korokre osztott taktikai lovoldozos 300
Jolly Rover, point&click kalandjatek 300
The Journey Down: Chapter One, point and click kalandjatek 300
Larva Mortus, felulnezetes lovoldozos 300
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack, 5dlc 300
Miner Wars Arena, tankos-lovoldozos 200
Miner Wars 2081, uros-lovoldozos 400
Multiwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Nightsky, logikai platformjatek 200
Nuclear Dawn, strategia-fps 300
Obulis, ugyessegi-logikai 300
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 200
Pacific Storm, vilaghaborus szimulator-akcio 300
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Party of Sin, platform kalandjatek, trine-klon 300
Penguins Arena: Sedna's World, multiplayer-fps 300
Planets under Attack, logikai 300
Post Mortem, horror-kalandjatek 400
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak a dlc) 100
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, fps 300
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad GOTY, fps 300
Roogoo, logikai 300
Rogue Warrior, fps 500
Scratches: Director's Cut, horror-kaland 400
Shadowgrounds, third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 200
Shadowgrounds + Shadowgrounds Survivor third person shooter 300
Shank 2, akcio-platform 300
Shattered Horizon, multiplayer-fps 300
Solar 2, ugyessegi 200
Space Trader: Merchant Marine, fps 200
Splice, logikai 200
Starvoid (gift), multiplayer strategia 300
Still Life, horror-kalandjatek 400
Still Life 2, horror-kalandjatek 400
Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery EP akcio-kaland 200
Tank Universal, tankos Tron vilagban 200
Titan Quest, rpg hack&slash 300
Uplink, hacker-logikai 200
Vegas: Make it Big, epitkezos simcity-klon 300
Vertex Dispenser, absztrakt-strategia 200
Vigil: Blood Bitterness, absztrakt horror kaland 300
Zombie Pirates, konnyed strategia 300
Zombie Driver HD, autos lovoldozos 300
Zombie Driver HD Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack 300
Zombie Driver HD + ZD HD: Apocalypse pack DLC + Soundtrack 500Uplay
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) 1900
Assassins Creed 3 2500Origin
Mass Effect 2, rpg 500
Dawn of Fantasy, mmo fantasy-strategia 300
Fibrillation, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Livalink, fps 200
Major Mayhem, arkad-lovoldozos 200
Paranormal, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Talisman Prologue, tablas fantasy-kocka-kartyajatek atultetese pc-re 200Egyeb
Hawken 3600 Meteor Cash 500ft
World of Tanks uj jatekos meghivo 1500 arannyal 300
World of Tanks 2050 arany + 1 ho premium regi jatekosoknak 3000 -
Tomb Raider steam + Bioshock Infinite steam + blood dragon uplay combo 7499
Blood Dragon uplay elorendeles 1499 -
Kis modositas:
Mostanaban megjelent jatekok
Bioshock Infinite 3999
Crysis 3 (ORIGIN) 3999
Tomb Raider 3999Tomb Raider + Bioshock Infinite combo 7499
Mostanaban megjelent jatekok
Bioshock Infinite 4500
Crysis 3 (ORIGIN) 4500
Tomb Raider 4500Uplay lista
Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ugyanugy internetrol telepitheto a jatek mint steam eseteben. Az AC3 es a FC3 steames verzioi is egybol az uplayt inditjak, megkerulhetetlen.
Assassin's Creed 3 2499
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) 1999Steam lista
Ace of Spades 900
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1300
Civilization 3 Complete (gift) 500
Civilization 5 Gods & Kings kiegeszito, 1000
Civilization 5 Gold : Civ5+10DLC+Gods&Kings (gift) 2400
Counter Strike: Source (gift) 1400
Darksiders 2 1900
Deadlight 800
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (gift) 1200
Duke Nukem Forever 700
Europa Universalis 3 Chronicles 700
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto 1200
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (gift) 800
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire 900
Killing Floor Bundle (11dlc) 900
King Arthur I+II +5dlc +kieg , strategia 900
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North 1000
Krater Collector's Edition 1000
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift) 900
Lucius 600
Penumbra Black Plague Gold + Penumbra Overture 1300
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc) 700
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 1500
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek) 800
Two Worlds 2 900
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution + All Wargear DLC + Last Stand Complete + Complete Chapter Pack + Tau Commander 2000
Warlock: Master of the Arcane 900Kisebb Steam jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 200
Adventures of Shaggy, logikai-platformjatek 200
AirBuccaneers, kooperativ multiplayer jatek 200
Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
Aztaka, akcio-rpg platformjatek 300
Bastion hack&slash 600
Beat Hazard + Ultra dlc, akcio-repulos 300
Broken Sword Trilogy, 3 kalandjatek, kulon kodok, 500
Ceville, kalandjatek 400
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Crayon Physics Deluxe, logikai-ugyessegi-rajzolos 300
Cryostasis, fps 500
Darksiders, tps 400
Darwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Dawn of War GOTY, strategia 300
Dawn of War Gold Edition (goty+winter assault), strategia 500
Defcon, strategia 300
Defenders of Ardania, tower defense 300
Demigod, strategia 300
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 500
Dynamite Jack, platformjatek 200
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, kalandjatek 500
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Complete Pack, lovoldozos 400
Eschalon: Book I, rpg 200
Eschalon: Book II, rpg 200
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Fireburst, arkad-autos 300
Galactic Civilizations 1: Ultimate Edition, urstrategia 300
Game of Dwarves, strategia, sim, rpg 300
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, strategia 300
Hearts of Iron 3, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 300
iBomber: Defense, tower defense 300
iBomber: Defense Pacific, tower defense 300
iBomber Attack + Defense + Defense Pacific 600
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 500
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 500
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 600
The Journey Down: Chapter One, point and click kalandjatek 300
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack, 5dlc 300
Miner Wars Arena, tankos-lovoldozos 200
Miner Wars 2081, uros-lovoldozos 400
Multiwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Nightsky, logikai platformjatek 200
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 200
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Party of Sin, platform kalandjatek, trine-klon 300
Planets under Attack, logikai 300
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak a dlc) 100
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, fps 300
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad GOTY, fps 300
Roogoo, logikai 300
Rogue Warrior 500
Solar 2, ugyessegi 200
Splice, logikai 200
Starvoid (gift), multiplayer strategia 300
Superbrothers: Sword and Sorcery EP akcio-kaland 200
The Path, kaland-horrorjatek 500
Titan Quest, rpg hack&slash 300
Torchlight (gift), rpg hack&slash 500
Two Worlds Epic Edition, rpg 500
Uplink, hacker-logikai 200
Vegas: Make it Big, epitkezos simcity-klon 300
Zombie Pirates, konnyed strategia 300Desura jatekok
Dawn of Fantasy, mmo fantasy-strategia 300
Fibrillation, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Livalink, fps 200
Major Mayhem, arkad-lovoldozos 200
Paranormal, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Talisman Prologue, tablas fantasy-kocka-kartyajatek atultetese pc-re 200Egyeb
Hawken 3600 Meteor Cash 500ft
Planetside 2 Gear Up Pack - Infantry Camo, Weapon Camo, Exclusive Gun, 7 Day XP Boost, 7 Day Resource Boost 500
World of Tanks uj jatekos meghivo 1500 arannyal 400
World of Tanks 2050 arany + 1 ho premium regi jatekosoknak 3000
Tf2 kulcs 350/db -
csendes tag
Assassin's Creed 3 2499
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) 2399Steam lista
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY 900
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1300
Civilization 3 Complete (gift) 500
Civilization 4 Complete (alap+3kieg) 900
Civilization 5 Gods & Kings kiegeszito, 1000
Civilization 5 Gold : Civ5+10DLC+Gods&Kings (gift) 2400
Company of Heroes GOLD (CoH+CoHpposing Fronts) 500
Counter Strike: Source (gift) 1400
Cryostasis 500
Darksiders 400
Deadlight 1000
Disciples 3: Renaissance Steam Special Edition 900
Deus Ex: Human Revolution 1200
Duke Nukem Forever 700
Duke Nukem Forever Collection (osszes dlc) 1000
Dungeon: Dark Lord 500
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind 800
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto 1200
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (gift) 800
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire 900
King Arthur I+II +5dlc +kieg , strategia 900
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North 1000
Krater Collector's Edition 1000
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift) 900
Lucius 600
Men of War: Condemned Heroes 800
Penumbra Black Plague Gold + Penumbra Overture 1300
Red Faction: Armageddon + Path to War DLC 700
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc) 700
Saints Row the Third 1200
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack (10 jatek) 800
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 2 (10 jatek) 800
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 3 (10 jatek) 800
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 4 (10 jatek) 800
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Classics Pack 5 (10 jatek) 800
Sega Mega Drive Classics 1+2+3+4+5 (50 jatek) 2000
Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 1500
Supreme Commander + Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, strategia 700
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek) 800
Two Worlds 2 900
Transformers: War for Cybertron (gift) 900
Toy Soldiers, strategia, 500
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising 600
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 + Wh40koW2 Chaos Rising (kulon kodok) 1200
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution 1200Kisebb jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 200
Adventures of Shaggy, logikai-platformjatek 200
AirBuccaneers, kooperativ multiplayer jatek 200
Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
Beat Hazard, arkad-repulos 300
Broken Sword Trilogy, 3 kalandjatek, kulon kodok, 500
Cave Story+ platformajtek 200
Ceville, kalandjatek 400
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Darwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Defcon, strategia 300
Demigod, strategia 300
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 500
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes, kalandjatek 500
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon Complete Pack, lovoldozos 400
Eschalon: Book I, rpg 200
Eschalon: Book II, rpg 200
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Fireburst, arkad-autos 300
Galactic Civilizations 1: Ultimate Edition, urstrategia 300
Hearts of Iron 3, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
Hydrophobia (gift), fps 500
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 300
iBomber: Defense Pacific, tower defense 300
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 500
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 500
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 600
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Metro 2033, fps 300
Men of War, strategia 300
Men of War: red tide, strategia 300
Men of War + Men of War: red tide, strategia 500
Men of War: Assault Squad - DLC Pack, 5dlc 300
Miner Wars Arena, tankos-lovoldozos 200
Miner Wars 2081, uros-lovoldozos 400
Multiwinia, strategia-akcio 200
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 200
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Party of Sin, platform kalandjatek, trine-klon 300
Planets under Attack, logikai 300
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak dlc) 100
Red Faction: Guerilla, fps 400
Roogoo, logikai 300
Rogue Warrior 500
Starvoid (gift), multiplayer strategia 300
The Path, kaland-horrorjatek 500
Unmechanical, platformjatek 500
Uplink, hacker-logikai 200
Vegas: Make it Big, epitkezos simcity-klon 300
Zombie Pirates, konnyed strategia 300Desura jatekok
Dawn of Fantasy, mmo fantasy-strategia 300
Fibrillation, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Livalink, fps 200
Major Mayhem, arkad-lovoldozos 200
Paranormal, fps-horror kalandjatek 200
Talisman Prologue, tablas fantasy-kocka-kartyajatek atultetese pc-re 200 -
Ezek a jatekok nem steames kodok, hanem uplayesek. Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ugyanugy internetrol telepitheto a jatek mint steam eseteben. Az AC3 es a FC3 steames verzioi is egybol az uplayt inditjak, megkerulhetetlen.
Assassin's Creed 3 2499
Far Cry 3 (+The Lost Expeditions DLC) 2399Steam elorendeles
Tomb Raider + Bioshock Infinite 7000
Bioshock Infinite 4000
Tomb Raider 4000Hogy mukodik?
A verzio) A duplapakkokhoz tudok adni egy kodot most azonnal, amit ha beregisztralsz az AMD oldalan, megjelenes elott par nappal elkuldik az altalad megadott emailcimre a jatekok Steam/origin kodjat.
B verzio) Ha kulon kellene egy jatek: beregelem en a kodot a sajat emailcimemre, es amint kijott a jatek, kuldom neked a jatek(ok) steames/origin kodjat. A te cimedre nem tudjuk regisztralni, mert oda menne a duplapakk masik jateka is. Hatranya, hogy nagyobb mertekben bizalomjatek, mert csak kesobb lesz nalad barmi kezzel foghato - konkretan amikor a jatek megjelenik.Megjelenesi datumok:
Tomb Raider: Marcius 5
Bioshock Infinite: Marcius 26Steam lista
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1400
Brink Complete 1400
Civilization 4 Complete (alap+3kieg) 900
Civilization 5 GOTY (dlckkel) 2300
Civilization 5 Gods & Kings kiegeszito, 1800
Company of Heroes GOLD (CoH+CoHpposing Fronts) 700
Cryostasis 500
Darksiders 500
Darksiders 2 2200
Deadlight 1000
Disciples 3: Renaissance Steam Special Edition 900
Duke Nukem Forever 700
Duke Nukem Forever Collection (osszes dlc) 1000
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind 1000
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto 1400
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (gift) 1000
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire 1000
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North 1200
Krater Collector's Edition 1200
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift) 900
Lucius 800
Red Faction: Armageddon + Path to War DLC 900
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc) 800
Saints Row the Third 1200
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 2 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 3 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 4 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Classics Pack 5 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics 1+2+3+4+5 (50 jatek) 2500
Supreme Commander + Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, strategia 700
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek) 900
Toy Soldiers, strategia, 500
Trine2: The Goblin Menace DLC (gift) 500
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 800
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 + Wh40koW2 Chaos Rising (kulon kodok) 1300
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution 1300Kisebb jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 300
Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
Beat Hazard, arkad-repulos 300
Broken Sword Trilogy, 3 kalandjatek, kulon kodok, 500
Cave Story+ platformajtek 300
Ceville, kalandjatek 500
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
Dungeons: The Dark Lord, strategia 500
Eschalon: Book I, rpg 300
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
Hydrophobia (gift), fps 500
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 500
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 600
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 500
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 800
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Metro 2033, fps 300
Men of war, strategia 300
Men of war: red tide, strategia 300
Nexuiz 450
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 300
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Razor 2: Hidden Skies, arkad-repulos 300
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak dlc) 100
Red Faction: Guerilla, fps 400
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, strategia+akcio, commandos-klon 300
Roogoo, logikai 300
Rogue Warrior 500
Section 8, fps 300
Shank 2, platformjatek 500
Starvoid (gift), multiplayer strategia 300
The Path, kaland-horrorjatek 500
Unmechanical, platformjatek 500 -
up, gyors es korrekt kiszolgalas, ajanlom mindenkinek
Én már vásároltam /Crysis 3 Bioshock/és minden okés volt.Az eladó gyors és segítőkész!
Uplay lista
Ezek a jatekok nem steames kodok, hanem uplayesek. Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ha steames verziot vennenk ezekbol a jatekokbol, akkor is ugyanugy kotelezo lenne hasznalni.
Assassin's Creed 3 3000
Far Cry 3 (+the lost expeditions dlc) 2800Steam elorendeles!!!
Crysis 3 + Bioshock Infinite 8500
Tomb Raider + Bioshock Infinite 7000Bioshock Infinite 4000
Crysis 3 5500
Tomb Raider 4000Megjelenesi datumok: Crysis 3: Februar 22, Tomb Raider: Marcius 5, Bioshock Infinite: Marcius 26. Erosen korlatozott darabszamban.
Steam lista
Bioshock 800
Bioshock 2 800
Bioshock 1+2 (2 kod) 1400
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1400
Brink Complete 1400
Civilization 4 Complete (alap+3kieg) 900
Company of Heroes GOLD (CoH+CoHpposing Fronts) 700
Cryostasis 500
Darksiders 500
Darksiders 2 2500
Deadlight 1000
Disciples 3: Renaissance Steam Special Edition 900
//Dishonored 3300
Duke Nukem Forever 700
Duke Nukem Forever Collection (osszes dlc) 1000
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind 1000
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto 1400
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (gift) 1000
Hunted: The Demon's Forge 1000
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire 1000
King's Bounty: Warriors of the North 1400
Krater Collector's Edition 1200
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift) 1000
Lucius 800
Mark of the Ninja 800
//Prototype 900
Red Faction: Armageddon + Path to War DLC 900
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc) 800
Saints Row the Third 1400
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 2 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 3 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 4 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Classics Pack 5 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics 1+2+3+4+5 (50 jatek) 2500
Sleeping Dogs kod/gift 1900/2200
Spec Ops: The Line 1400
Supreme Commander + Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, strategia 700
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek) 900
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut (gift) 900
Toy Soldiers, strategia, 700
Trine2: The Goblin Menace DLC (gift) 500
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 800
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 + Wh40koW2 Chaos Rising (kulon kodok) 1300
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution 1300Kisebb jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 300
Alien Breed 2: Assault, akcio 300
Alien Breed 3: Descent, akcio 300
Beat Hazard, arkad-repulos 300
Broken Sword Trilogy, 3 kalandjatek, kulon kodok, 500
Cave Story+ platformajtek 300
Ceville, kalandjatek 500
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
DOTA 2 gift, strategia, extra itemek nelkul 100ft
EDGE (gift), logikai 400
Eschalon: Book I, rpg 300
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
Hydrophobia (gift), fps 500
iBomber: Attack, tower offense 500
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 600
Insecticide Part 1, lovoldozos-logikai 300
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 500
Ironclads Collection, 5 jatek egyben 800
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Making History: The Calm & the Storm strategia, 200
Metro 2033, fps 300
Men of war, strategia 300
Men of war: red tide, strategia 300
Nexuiz 450
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 300
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Razor 2: Hidden Skies, arkad-repulos 300
Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War DLC (csak dlc) 100
Red Faction: Guerilla, fps 400
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, strategia+akcio, commandos-klon 300
Roogoo, logikai 300
Rogue Warrior 500
Section 8, fps 300
Shank 2, platformjatek 500
Starvoid (gift), multiplayer strategia 300
The Path, kaland-horrorjatek 500
Unmechanical, platformjatek 500 -
up, kb 80 cim van perpill.
up, van meg csomo minden
1 fc3 2ac3 van meg, pentek este 8-ig.
fc3 & ac3 akcio, csak ma, 2900/db, az elso ket erdeklodonek!
rikohun9812 #17 üzenetére
Uplay lista
Ezek a jatekok nem steames kodok, hanem uplayesek. Az uplay az Ubisoft sajat kliense, ha steames verziot vennenk ezekbol a jatekokbol, akkor is ugyanugy kotelezo lenne hasznalni.
Assassin's Creed 3 3200
Far Cry 3 (+the lost expeditions dlc) 3400Steam lista
//Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (gift) 1200
Bioshock 900
Bioshock 2 900
Bioshock 1+2 (2 kod) 1500
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1400
Brink Complete 1500
Company of Heroes GOLD (CoH+CoHpposing Fronts) 900
Civilization 4 Complete (alap+3kieg) 900
Cryostasis 940
Darksiders 700
Darksiders 2 2800
Deadlight 1000
Disciples 3: Renaissance Steam Special Edition 900
Disciples 3: Resurrection 900
/Dishonored 3500 - januar vege
Duke Nukem Forever 900
Duke Nukem Forever Collection (osszes dlc) 1400
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind 1000
Fallout 3 GOTY (osszes dlc) 1400
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto 1400
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition (gift) 1000
Homefront 940
//Hunted: The Demon's Forge 1000
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire 1100
Krater Collector's Edition 1500
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC 300
Legend of Grimrock (gift) 1000
Mark of the Ninja 800
Prototype 940
Red Faction: Armageddon 900
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc) 800
Saints Row the Third 1400
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 2 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 3 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 4 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Classics Pack 5 (10 jatek) 900
Sega Mega Drive Classics 1+2+3+4+5 (50 jatek) 3000
Sleeping Dogs kod/gift 1900/2200
Spec Ops: The Line 1400
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl 650
Supreme Commander + Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, strategia 700
The Darkness 2 1200
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek) 900
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut 900
Toy Soldiers, strategia, 700
Trine2: The Goblin Menace DLC (gift) 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 800
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising 700
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 + Chaos Rising (kulon kodok) 1300
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution 1300Kisebb jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia 300
Cave Story+ platformajtek 300
Ceville, kalandjatek 500
Cities in Motion, sim city klon 500
Deponia, kalandjatek 500
DOTA 2, extra itemek nelkul 200ft
Eschalon: Book I, rpg 300
Fantasy wars, strategia 200
Home, retro kalandjatek 100
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, platform 600
Iron Brigade, tower defense-fps 500
Kings bounty: The Legend, rpg+strategia 500
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam DLC, hack&slash 500
Metro 2033, fps 300
Men of war, strategia 300
Men of war: red tide, strategia 300
Nexuiz 450
Offspring Fling, platformjatek 300
Painkiller Black Edition, fps 500
Red Faction: Guerilla,fps 400
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, strategia+akcio 300
Rogue Warrior 500
Shank 2, platformjatek 500
Snapshot, platformjatek 300
Star wolves 3, strategia+rpg 800
Titan Quest, hack&slash 200
Titan Quest Gold, (TQ+Immortal Throne kieg.), hack&slash 500
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb dlc, platformjatek 500
Trine, platformjatek 300
Two Worlds Epic Edition, akcio+rpg 500
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War GOTY 300 -
Hali. Érdekelne egy ár az FC3-ra és a Hitmanre, ha steamesek.
hitman elfogyott
Megerkezett par uj jatek, es a bethesda pakk maradvanya (dishonored, hunted, fallout, ilyesmi)
Sleeping Dogs leesett 2000 forintra.
saints row 2, worms reloaded elfogyott, hitman-bol utolso darab van soron.
Mentek privik.
Köszi a játékokat!
payday, space marine, tq gold elkelt
csendes tag
Ment PÜ!
Egy árlistát kérhetek?
mentek privik
Assassins Creed 3
Bioshock 2
Bioshock 1+2 (2 kod)
Borderlands 1 GOTY (osszes dlc)
/Brink Complete - januar vege
Company of Heroes GOLD (alap+Opposing Fronts)
Civilization 4 Complete (alap+3kieg)
Darksiders 2
Disciples 3: Renaissance Steam Special Edition
Disciples 3: Resurrection
/Dishonored - januar vege
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever Collection (osszes dlc)
/Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind - januar vege
/Fallout 3 GOTY (osszes dlc) - januar vege
Fallout 3: New Vegas, steames dlc-vel nem bovitheto
Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition
Far Cry 3
Hitman: Absolution
/Hunted: The Demon's Forge - januar vege
Jagged Alliance: Back in Action
Jagged Alliance: Crossfire
Krater Collector's Edition
Krater - Mayhem MK13 karakter DLC
Payday: The Heist
Red Faction: Armageddon
Renegade Ops (osszes dlc)
Rogue Warrior
Saints Row the Third
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack (10 jatek)
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 2 (10 jatek)
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 3 (10 jatek)
Sega Mega Drive Classics Pack 4 (10 jatek)
Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) Classics Pack 5 (10 jatek)
Sega Mega Drive Classics 1+2+3+4+5 (50 jatek)
Serious Sam 3 BFE
Sleeping Dogs
Spec Ops: The Line
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl
The Darkness 2
The Stronghold Collection (5jatek)
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Chaos Rising
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 GOLD (alap+chaos rising)
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War 2 - Retribution + Last Stand Alone DLC Complete + Chapter Pack Bundle + Tau Commander & All Campaign Wargear & TLS Wargear
Warhammer 40000: Space Marine
Worms ReloadedKisebb jatekok
XIII Century Gold Edition, strategia
Cave Story+ platformajtek
Ceville, kalandjatek
DOTA 2, extra itemek nelkul
Eschalon: Book I, rpg
Fantasy wars, strategia
Kings bounty: The Legend, rpg+strategia
Metro 2033, fps
Men of war, strategia
Men of war: red tide, strategia
Necrovision + necrovision: lost company, fps
Offspring Fling, platformjatek
Red Faction: Guerilla,fps
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, strategia+akcio
Saints Row 2
Shank 2, platformjatek
Snapshot, platformjatek
Star wolves 3, strategia+rpg
Supreme Commander, strategia
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, strategia
Titan Quest, hack&slash
//Titan Quest Gold, (TQ+Immortal Throne kieg.), hack&slash
The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb dlc, platformjatek
Two Worlds Epic Edition, akcio+rpg
Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War GOTY
Új hozzászólás
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